3 Benefits of Being Kind to Yourself

We all forget that we're human — we get busy, overwhelmed, and angry. And while it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of to-do lists and forget the importance of self-care, there are a few simple things you can do to be kind to yourself:

Photo by Chela B. on Unsplash

Photo by Chela B. on Unsplash

1) Exercise. Exercise is one of the best ways to take care of your body and your mind. When you exercise, you release endorphins that make you feel good both physically and emotionally. Try taking a break three times a week for 30 minutes each time for some moderate exercise such as walking or biking - this can even include doing jumping jacks with your kids!

2) Eat well. Eating well is also part of taking care of yourself - all of us need fuel to keep our bodies going. So try to maintain a balanced meal with lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats.

3) Pamper yourself. Taking a little time out for pampering can do wonders for your body and your mood. Indulging in some warm bubble baths, painting your nails with a fresh coat of polish, or going out with friends to have a few laughs are all great ways to take care of yourself.

4) Meditate. Deep breathing exercises can be an easy way to calm your body and soften your mind when you find yourself stressed. For example, take three deep breaths in, hold for 3 seconds, and slowly exhale. Repeat this for a few minutes.

5) Explore. There are so many ways to explore the world around you - why not try something new? For example, go on a hike and learn about what kinds of plants and animals live in the wilderness near your home, or go camping and discover all kinds of fun facts about how to survive in nature.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

6) Nurture your relationships. One of the most important ways to be kind to yourself is to take care of your relationships. Having good friends and family who not only love you but help you grow and become a better person is key to living a healthy life. Make sure that you call your mom, write an e-mail to your best friend, or get together with your siblings more often.

7) Live in the moment. It's easy to get caught up in the past or the future; however, taking time out of your day for some present-moment awareness can help you slow down and appreciate what's right in front of you. Be aware of your breath, of the people around you, and of the sensations you feel.

8) Read. Reading is a great way to feed your mind with knowledge and new facts. Try picking up a non-fiction book that you think will be interesting to you or that seems relevant to your life.

9) Journal. Writing about what's going on in your life can be a great way to process any emotions or experiences that seem scary or feel difficult to talk about with someone else. Make sure that this journal is locked away so no one else can see it — it's for your eyes only!

But, what about the benefits of it? There are many benefits of being kind to yourself.

Being kind to yourself can improve happiness because people who engage in positive self-talk and kindness towards themselves may experience a boost in mood and increase energy levels. People who practice compassion towards themselves may also be more productive at work. This is because they might reframe any failures as temporary setbacks instead of defeats, making them feel like their next attempt will be successful. Kindness towards oneself could also reduce stress. If someone is kind to themselves, they may be more likely to engage in behaviors that help them relax.

These are just three of the many benefits of being kind towards yourself.

Self-care is sometimes synonymous with pampering ourselves, but it's actually far more productive than that. Caretaking for ourselves means being kind to ourselves in the truest sense, taking the time to do things that make us feel good and show our appreciation for what we have.

1. Acknowledge your emotions - and own them.

So often we try to deny or ignore our emotions and try and get on with things and deny the fact that we're feeling anything. The results of this are negative: we can feel down, upset, stressed and so on, and we can also feel less creative, productive and creative. It's good to acknowledge your emotions (and get into your body) because then, when you get the chance to express them or talk about them (to friends, family or a therapist), you won't feel like you're faking it.

2. Be mindful - of yourself and your surroundings.

One of the best ways to practice self-care is by being mindful. Mindfulness is all about trying to stay in the present moment and focus on all five of your senses - what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Practice mindfulness by taking time out during your day to notice these things around you - it can be very calming, especially if you take time out in nature or if you're surrounded by soft textures that feel soothing.

3. Take care of your body first - how to give yourself a break!

Try to make time for yourself each day to take 5-10 minutes out of your day - even if it's just wandering around your local park or mall or even doing some gardening. Try to go for regular exercise, even if it takes extra time out of your schedule to go for regular exercise. Whether you do yoga or exercise with weights, you need to give yourself that time out.

The best part of all of these? You will feel 100% better with yourself and with the feeling that you can conquer the world! IT'S REALLY POSSIBLE!

Lots of love