Homemade Chicken Nuggets

Who doesn’t like chicken nuggets? Well, most of the children do and that’s why I decided today, to share with you Chicken Nuggets, but in a Healthy way! Very simple to make and has delicious ingredients.

They are fried free and oil not requested!

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Children love Chicken Nuggets, due to the Fast Food restaurant spaces that have implemented this food in our society. But this recipe does not always have to be made with oil and passed through frying. We can indulge in crispy oven-baked Chicken Nuggets.

I try to teach my children as much as possible how to eat real food and taste what is really good!

And I'm super proud that they love it!

But let's get down to business! I will show you step by step, this super healthy recipe.

First, you need chicken breasts and cut them into cubes, preferably try to cut the cubes to the same size. I say this, because if we cut almost the same way, the cooking time will be practically the same! And so, you don't have to wait for the pieces that got a little bigger, to be ready.

After they are cut, put them on a plate and season them with lemon juice. Set the dish aside.

It's time to take the eggs and beat them with coconut milk. Put it aside too, when it is well beaten and both are well involved.

The time has come to prepare the croutons. Grate them in a mixer and after they are well grated, add a little of linseed oil and mix well. Then, put the grated croutons on baking paper to go to the oven. It takes 10 to 11 minutes in the oven at 220 degrees to be crispy. When ready, put them in a bowl and add the ginger, paprika and garlic powder. Put salt and mix well.

Then take the chicken seasoned with lemon and start dipping them in the beaten eggs with coconut milk and then, take the chicken, piece by piece, and wrap them in the croutons.

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Put them on baking paper and put them in the oven for 15 to 17 minutes with a temperature of 220 degrees.

A word of advice, when putting chicken nuggets in the oven, leave space between them, so we know they are being cooked efficiently.

After that, they are ready to be served with potatoes, or rice, or pasta, as you prefer!

Or just like a snack and you can taste them with a nice sauce.

Enjoy as much as we do!

Ingredients: (quantity for 4 people)

  • 3 breasts of chicken (good size)

  • 1 lemon

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 cup with Coconut Milk

  • 200 gr of croutons

  • 1 tbs of linseed oil

  • 1 teaspoon of ginger (powder)

  • 1 teaspoon of paprika (powder)

  • 1 teaspoon of garlic (powder)

  • 1 coffee spoon of salt

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