Why Instagram Is Right for You

Imagine your life as a reality television show. You wake up in the morning and click on your Instagram app. Out pops a picture of your dog or cat, the weather outside, the news headlines for today, or maybe even a selfie you took last night before bed. It's totally up to you — and other people can get in on the fun too!

Instagram is an excellent way to share whatever you're into with whoever's interested, whether they're just down the street or across the ocean. As of 2016, more than 300 million people were using it monthly. So there are plenty of reasons to join the fun.

Easily Show Off Your Life

When did you last open a magazine, look at a billboard, or watch TV? Those ads are all about selling products with cool-looking pictures and catchy slogans. But you have so much more to share about your life — who you are. You can tell that story on Instagram. Instagram is perfect for sharing day-to-day moments. Parents love to brag about their kids. Pets are always cute, but if you are a pet owner, Instagram is where you will live. Friends share ideas and reminders of fun times. It's all about showing real life — the stuff that happens when no one's looking or filming with a camera. The good stuff that shows off your true colors [paint] and how you see your world. When you're all grown up, you'll still be sharing with your old friends, family, and kids — and they will still be there to see it too.

Feature Your Pets

If you have a pet, Instagram is the perfect place to share pictures of them. Why? Because it's totally in your control. No one can take your photos or post them online without your permission. Not even your parents! That's huge. When you want to show off the fact that you have a pet, the people who care about you will know. The pet's name, the color of its fur, and even your face are all yours and never shared with anyone else.

Make Money Off Your Photos

People all over the world use Instagram to make money. You can log in with your phone's built-in camera and post pictures of your food, clothes, or even your home — it's totally up to you. The more people who follow you and like what they see, the more money you can make. You don't need a fancy camera. You don't even have to be great at taking photos. Go out with your friends, get a fabulous dinner, and take a photo of it. Use Photoshop to add a filter or excellent background. All you need is an idea, the right tools, and enough cat pictures to keep your followers hooked.

Teach People About Things They Love

There are plenty of ways for you to use Instagram without making money from it at all. If you're into sports, finance, or even politics, then Instagram is where you can share your thoughts and feelings about anything that matters to you. Put your spin on the Instagram game by adding commentary, jokes, facts, and whatever else you want to say. Of course, you can't show off your physical talent or anything else that requires special equipment. But you can still make use of that creativity. And remember: As long as your posts are ethical, legal, and safe — and no one says they're sorry — then the world is yours to share on Instagram.

Make Your Own Rules

Instagram is all about sharing, growing, and expanding. It's a game you can play on your own — which means it is up to you when you start and how it ends. You can't make any friends, but you can make tons of connections with people worldwide. It's all up to you. You are your hero — no one else can tell you how to live your life. Instagram is perfect for anyone who wants a little freedom in their life. And that freedom may start with Instagram.

And another good thing is Instagram is all the time for making new things, like notes or broadcast channels, or the blue verification, which will allow you to have direct support (that isn't easy to find) and protection of your account to avoid being hacked.

I hope you found this post helpful, and I will see you next week.