10 Healthy Instagram Habits

For everyone serious about living a happier, healthier, and more productive life, Instagram can be a huge distraction. It's easy to get lost in scrolling through the sea of perfect people sharing their healthy breakfast bowl or the ideal body.

But while these posts might seem like they're focused on good health, they're promoting unhealthy modeling practices that are dangerous for women around the globe.

We know that most women don't look like models in fashion magazines, but it's important to remember that most of these models don't look like models in fashion magazines either. 

That's because, through various means and tactics, these people are often thinned out and photo-edited until they have a more desirable shape. 

We should be wary of this when viewing any Instagram account promoting an image of physical perfection; it's meant to sell us a product or image rather than promote long-term health and wellness. 

The most important thing to remember is that if a diet or exercise plan doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. But how we perceive ourselves does, so don't let people who are paid to promote them influence your perception of yourself using this platform.

Along with socially-driven critiques of our bodies, there are also negative comments associated with an increasing number of unhealthy Instagram accounts that promote eating disorders. According to Bodytracking, over 10% of all Instagram users are on an eating disorder, and you may recognize some of these names.

So what can you do about it? Only a little in taking down these accounts, but you can participate in the conversation. Share the post and educate others who have yet to be aware of the dangers of these sites. There are many posts about healthy Instagram habits that you can share to make others aware of the risks, but be sure to share your own healthy account if a post is not misrepresenting anything in your life.

As bloggers, many of us are fully aware that the pictures we capture and publish won't represent what we look like in real life. For example, a photo might make a particular object in the image appear larger than it is, or it might make us look thinner and more beautiful than we are. But if your account is geared toward fitness, fitness tips, plus-size fashion, or health tips, then it's okay to share photos that capture your style and journey. And if you're a blogger who is not promoting this kind of lifestyle, then your account is most likely not one to be concerned with.

To simplify, here go 10 Healthy Instagram Habits for a specific niche.

1. Don't promote diets that you didn't finish

This is a big one because many promote products and diets without finishing them themselves. Be careful not to promote what you don't want yourself to do. And that also applies to fitness and workout routines, like posting a health routine or workout video without actually doing it. Only the post-workout routine or diet plan you completed yourself.

2. Don't promote products you haven't used

This is also very dangerous for photographers, especially those promoting a healthy lifestyle and wellness.

If you're a fitness blogger, you will want to make sure that your account represents what you actually look like, which means taking care not to post pictures of yourself in a bathing suit or with food in your mouth.

3. Don't be afraid to lose followers

Because let's face it, if you're an Instagram fitness blogger and post a picture of yourself eating something that isn't 100% healthy, chances are you will lose some followers.

Be proud of who you are and what you're posting because you're sharing an image of yourself that reflects a healthy and positive lifestyle.

4. Don't promote a negative health trend

While not all Instagram fitness bloggers promote eating disorders or dieting, many use their social media accounts to post "thinspiration," which can negatively impact young girls and women who look up to these fitness models.

5. Don't post only about your weight loss

This is a big one because even if you only lose a few pounds, you want to make sure you post it on Instagram and other social media platforms.

Don't ignore your personality in a quest to lose weight because you want to make sure that your followers can see the journey.

6. Don't ignore the comments

Reply to the ones that are engaging with you and lift you up. 

If someone makes a negative comment about your body, ignore it. They don't deserve your attention.

7. Ignore the negative comments

If someone is really negative, just ignore it. You don't have to respond to it, and you shouldn't feel obligated to defend yourself. It's their job to tell you how they think you look, not yours.

8. Don't let it change your perception

If you are seeing a lot of negative comments about your body, then it's important to remember that those people are on their own journey and not everyone else's. So don't let their perspective on your body change how you view yourself.

9. Don't think you have to be skinny to be healthy

One of the most important things to remember is that there is no such thing as a perfect body. We all look different, and we all look healthier when our bodies are healthy, and we're doing what we love. If you are healthy, your body is beautiful and will become even more attractive as you grow into the body you were meant to have.

10. Don't be afraid to start over

As Instagram fitness bloggers, many of us put ourselves out there on social media. It's important that you don't let the negative comments change your viewpoint on your page. Just because you feel compelled to put an image up doesn't mean that it should be changed in the name of "keeping the peace." Let go and start over, or delete and start from scratch.

These healthy Instagram habits are just a few of the many that exist, but they're some that I've found most interesting over the years. If you have any health tips that you would like to share, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

I hope this blog post was helpful to you, and I'll see you next week.