Want to Become an Active Social Media Manager? Ask Yourself This First

Social media is a great way to connect with customers, but it can take time to know when and how often you should post. We're not going to tell you what's right for some businesses, but having a good strategy in place is important, no matter how big your company is.

Have you ever received an email from a customer offering praise for your business? Have you ever posted an announcement to let people know you're hiring a new employee? Most companies have engaged in some form of social media marketing at some point. But unfortunately, finding a business that isn't on Facebook or Twitter is hard.

But what do you do if you want to become more involved in your social media marketing strategy? That's where the idea of an active social media manager comes into play.

What does an active social media manager do?

An active social media manager is a person who manages or markets a brand's social media activity – from posting and managing content to responding to comments and liking other brands' content.

How active?

It's a good idea to make the person managing your social media marketing activities. If you're asking for volunteers, remember that some people will naturally want to help more than others. So only fire some people, but make sure that it's known that you need people to help post and respond to comments.

Is it worth hiring an active social media manager?

Yes, if you want to get more from a social media marketing campaign. If asking someone to manage your social media marketing is a big ask, consider hiring an active social media manager.

Atmosphere vs. audience

A brand's "audience" and "atmosphere" are two different things. Your audience is the people interested in your brand, but the atmosphere is defined as the feeling or tone of your social media profile.

Remembering social media marketing should be a two-way street is important. Like your post and comment on other brands' content. Of course, other brands do the same on your content or any comment you make.

If you're creating a page on Instagram to feature your brand and a few friends, that's different than creating a page on Instagram to reach out to people who are already interested in your brand. So you're dealing with two very different audiences.

It's important to recognise your audience, but it's also important to realise that your audience constantly changes. As your audience changes, so should your strategy.

"Wait until they're not interested in what you have to say anymore," as the adage goes. That's an excellent way to see whether or not you're successful with social media marketing.

How often should you post?

There is no set rule on how often to post on social media. Some brands put out multiple posts per day, while many other brands need more time to dedicate.

What's important is that you're showing up consistently. Posting for one week and then going silent for six months is a bad sign. It's also a bad sign if you post once a month and never answer comments, reply to messages, or comment on other brands' posts.

Now that you know the difference between an audience and an atmosphere and how often to post, what's next? First, you must decide whether you have time to manage a social media page. There are a lot of tools out there to help manage all your social media, but most social media managers prefer a piece of software that they can customise and use with their own personal branding images.

This line always needs to be more explicit. You want to be active not only on your account but on other people's too. In the same way, you wouldn't mind getting a compliment from a friend. It's good to tell other brands that you appreciate what they do.

What's more important is that you're being consistent. That may mean you post once a week or multiple times a day. The key is to be consistent with your posting.

What does "active" mean?

An active social media manager posts and responds to comments on the brand's social media. Someone who does little at all would not be considered "active. "

Here's a good rule of thumb: if you post less than twice a week, you're inactive.

Believe it or not, this is how companies can get away with posting only once or twice monthly on a social media page. But, of course, there are companies out there who will post once a month, maybe twice, and that's it.

That doesn't mean that you should follow suit. However, you should be active in posting once or twice weekly, answering feedback, and replying to messages if possible.

Many companies have a social media manager who only monitors the brand's social media outlets. This person will respond to comments and messages but will only sometimes post something. This person also may be responsible for ensuring all the content is published on time.

Active social media managers must be able to create original and unique content for their brand's social media.

Was it helpful? I hope it was, but if you have any doubts, message me via IG or email.

See you next week.