30 Questions to help you find your Best of Yourself

Do you ever feel that your life is about wasting time? You always need more time to do something, and when it comes down to it, you never know what your life is really about. For our lives to have meaning, we need to find purpose. Unfortunately, there are many actions in our lives that we do not think about. We live in the moment and rarely reflect on the big picture of life. 

One way to find purpose is to ask yourself questions. 

- Ask yourself, "What does success mean to me?" 

- List 20 things that you enjoy about your life. 

- Notice the themes of these things in your life and how they define your identity. 

Here is a list of 30 questions I would suggest to help you find your best You :

1- Why do I take so many risks? 

2- What are some things that I can do that are riskier?  (ex: Getting into a relationship, starting a business, going to South America, etc.)

3- What is the most dangerous thing I could do now?

4- What is the biggest challenge I have had to overcome?  (challenges are what lead to growth and opportunities)

5- What has been the most significant decision that I have made in my life thus far?  (ex: start a business, take an assertiveness and leadership class, etc. -- not just in life but also in relationships.  This should be a tricky question to answer)

6- What do I do when it feels like I am about to make a mistake? 

7- What are the origins of my fears? 

8- What is the most valuable thing I have learned from others?  (ex: your father's work ethic, your mother's kindness, etc. Don't just look at your parents but everyone else around you that has influenced you)

9- What is the biggest lesson I've learned?  (ex: don't let others' opinion of me affect my self-confidence, etc. Also, many people are unsuccessful because they are unable to change their self-limiting beliefs)

10- What is the one thing that I am most proud of? 

11- What is the most exciting story I could tell others about myself? 

12- What does my life look like in the future? 

13- Who do I want to become in my future?  (ex: I want to become more self-confident, travel worldwide, etc. I want to become the person that I know I can be)

14- Why do I feel that way?  (ex: my Dad was never home when I was a kid because my Dad never showed me the love and support that my Mom did, etc. Even though it is difficult to overcome your past, you can still learn from it while you move forward in life)

15- How do I express myself?  (ex: through words, art, music, etc.)

16- How do I get what I want?  (ex: being brave enough to do that project without asking others for help, being confident enough to talk with that person I want to meet and get to know better, etc. Through a focus on what you think your desire is, you can change it into a life-long goal)

17- What does my life look like in the future in 5 years?  (ex: married to the love of my life, traveling around the world and writing about it, etc.)

18- What are the biggest fears I have?  (ex: Not being honest with people I care about and associate with, not being able to pay my bills every month, etc. Notice that they are all based on your worry of what other people will think of you and not on the real risks that you face)

19- What are the top 3 things I want to teach my children?  (ex: honesty, loyalty, courage, etc.)

20- Why is it essential for me to have a balance in my life?  (ex: because I need to be able to take care of myself and not let my emotions take over, etc. Many people are out of balance in their lives)

21- What are the worst three things that can happen in my life?  (ex: getting fired from my job, not being able to make money while I am traveling, etc.)

22- What is the difference between thinking and acting?  (ex: thinking is when you stay in your comfort zone and keep to yourself, acting is when you reach out to people and share your best side with them)

23- What would I do if it was my last day on earth?  (ex: take a look at the beauty of life around me or be miserable about what I don't have, etc.)

24- What can I do to have a better relationship with my spouse/lover?  (ex: going on a date with my spouse, being more romantic, etc.)

25- What should I learn from the mistakes that I have made?  (ex: not start an opinionated blog about every experience that I have in life because it does not get me closer to my goal of finding my best self)

26- What can I do to make sure that I remain healthy?  (ex: commit to a regular exercise program and take care of myself, etc. Many people do not take care of themselves because they are not happy with their life)

27- What did I learn from the mistakes that I have made?  (ex: to stop taking myself so seriously and start being more optimistic about my life, etc.)

28- What is my best side?  (ex: the side that you want to be best known for, etc.)

29- Why can't I sleep?  (ex: because I am worried about paying my bills and trying to make it in life, etc.)

30- What are the things that I cannot live without?  (ex: family, money, etc.)

Happiness is a state of mind that we can learn with practice. We all can change our lives from the challenges that we face daily. Happiness is something we earn, not inherited or received from others or luck. We come into this world with a strong mind and must learn how to keep our minds strong and healthy. The best way to do that is by learning how our mind works, why it works, and how we can use that information to our advantage.

The most compelling question to ask yourself to gain self-knowledge is, "What do I want out of life?" Many people live aimless lives because they are still determining what they want. Make sure to answer the questions above; you will feel better when you go deep into yourself.

I hope this was helpful to you, and I will see you next week.