How to create a handy checklist for all your social media accounts to save time

We're all busy. Between work, family, and the other aspects of our lives that require attention, there's only a little time to take care of our social media accounts.

However, these accounts are essential for most businesses and individuals to be seen by their audience. As such, it is necessary to ensure they are adequately maintained. One of the best ways to do this and save time, in the long run is by using handy checklists. These are simple lists you can print out and place somewhere prominent enough to see daily.

This way, you will always know what to do for your social media accounts before beginning your day.

As with any other tool meant for improving productivity, it is about setting yourself up for success in advance. Below, you will find a handy social media checklist that every company should utilize. This checklist is divided into two parts: the first for your web profiles and the second for your social media profiles. Enjoy!

How to Create a Handy Checklist for All Your Social Media Accounts

An essential yet vital part of any social media strategy is to have a well-organized profile. Such an organization will help you monitor and improve your social media presence. It will also make it easier for you to manage your brand's social media presence if there are too many platforms to manage. For this checklist, you must have at least three social media accounts. After all, you should show yourself and your products on different platforms to be effective. So, what do you need? Here is a list of things that need to be explicitly considered for your profiles:

1.) Have a clear understanding of what each one of these accounts is used for.

2.) Decide what hashtags to use.

3.) Have a clear understanding of your target audience.

4.) Create a loyal following for the accounts.

5.) Choose the best platforms to market your brand on each account.

6.) Engage actively with your friends and followers through social media to show them how much they love you or your product/service.

These are all critical factors that need to be considered for any social media strategy to be effective and thrive. But, unfortunately, you may be wasting your time if each of them needs to be addressed.

An essential checklist, however, will save you from making unnecessary mistakes or forgetting to do things. It is also much easier to refer back to it at any time if you have doubts about what needs to be done for the day.

How do I find these checklists?

If these checklists are hard to find, don't worry! The important thing is that you get one. You can download this one here. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1.) Choose one of the most popular platforms and start with that one.

2.) Create a loyal following on your social media accounts.  This should not be hard for you if you have a reputation.  Make sure to engage with people who follow you regularly.  Your followers will appreciate this, which might lead to more followers in the future.

3.) Make sure your social media strategy syncs with your overall marketing strategy. For example, post about a product on Facebook and Twitter if you have a product to sell. It is also good to remember that one of social media's primary functions is getting people in front of your ads. This will also help with your goal of engagement tactics.

4.) Post daily (if you're on IG, post, especially Stories) and update your profile information.

5.) Choose the exact platform you want to be on, and start posting! 

"The most important thing in life is choosing one's way. You don't have to follow anyone's way. You can find your way and

that will be the best way."

- Miyazaki Hayao (Director)

"How can I achieve greatness? By making my ego serve me. I was taught to put my interests last, serve others first, and never claim anything for myself except responsibility."

- Charles M. Schulz

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and you find out why."

- Mark Twain

"You can see only some of the staircase. Just take the first step."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

I hope you found this post helpful, and I will see you next week.