70 Mindfulness Journal Prompts

The act of journaling has been scientifically shown to be conducive to improving a person's overall mental health. The result is a calming, clear meditation that leads you through the natural process of "journaling. Each day for the next 70 days, you will be given a guided meditation and writing prompt related to mindfulness. Your objective is to use each of these prompts as a way to briefly reflect on and remind yourself of the various aspects of your life that are most important.

You can choose to use the journaling prompts any time throughout the day. If you're feeling dull or uninspired, you can use a prompt to jump-start your creativity or break out of a bad mood. If you're feeling fine, you can use a prompt to deepen your self-awareness and help you learn more about yourself. Regardless of when or why you choose to journal, the goal is to keep things simple and focus on the act of journaling itself. It is OK if some days you choose not to use the prompts or if other days you choose to use them for more than just one minute. Each daily writing exercise will provide you with a single, calming prompt along with some information about the process of journaling and mindfulness. When it is time to write or do your daily meditation, take a moment to focus on your breathing. By doing so, you will experience the benefits of mindfulness, which include decreased stress, anxiety, and depression levels.

Photo by Alina Vilchenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/orange-slice-on-top-of-open-book-next-to-a-pen-3363100/


How to start journaling 

If you're looking for a way to get more in touch with your thoughts and feelings daily, you might be interested in journaling. Journaling is an easy and often enriching task that can help you clear your head and maintain better mental health.

We'll show you how to get started, what the benefits of journaling are, and how often to do it! What Is Journaling?

Journaling involves the practice of recording your daily thoughts and feelings in a private journal. You do not need to be a gifted writer or an artist to keep a journal. Many people find that writing by hand is more cathartic than putting their thoughts on paper. It's also easier to read later. Many people use journaling to:

Release negative emotions

Recall and record your life's journey as a memory journal or chronicle of your life events which can form the basis of an autobiography. You can also use it to reflect on your life and analyze patterns in your thought processes. (Such as how you think you were exploited or were plagued by loneliness or insecurity. Reassess your goals

Maintain a daily journal or keep one for a specific period, like the past three months, the past year, or even longer. This allows you to keep track of your progress over time. Positive and negative events in your life can be recorded to show patterns and motives behind the behavior. You can also use it to monitor changes in attitude and moods over time. Improve your memory

When you write things down, you often remember them. It's all about the writing process and not necessarily about the actual content of what you're writing. By writing in your journal, you are creating a new link that links action and feeling together. You are taking notice of all thoughts, sensations, and emotions that occur throughout your day.

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Mindfulness Journal - Questions

Here are some questions you can use to really dig deep and see the thoughts and feelings that may be hidden from the surface of your mind. These questions are designed to help you live in the moment, free from distractions, and focus on what is most important to you. If you prefer, the following questions should be answered in a journal of your choice, on a piece of paper, or have one handy. 

1. What are my biggest worries and cares?

2. What things could I do to make myself feel better about these things that worry me?

3. What can I do to change my thoughts about these worries so that the anxiety goes away?

4. Do I think the things I worry about will come true or not? Why?

5. What do I think would happen if the things I worry about did become a reality?

6. What do I need to say to myself when these worries pop up in my mind?

7. What do I need to do and be to make sure I am ready for the things that worry me?

I find these questions very useful in helping me release my worries and become more conscious of the important things in my life. The more you worry, the denser your thoughts become, and the more time you spend looking back over your past, reliving it, and causing yourself pain. The more time you spend worrying about what might happen, the more time you will be trying to avoid these future events.

70 Mindfulness Journal Prompts

1 - I am capable of...

2 - I love my family because...

3 - I love my friends and co-workers because...

4 - I love the people who I meet because...

5 - I know that I am loved by...

6 - My family is safe and protected because...

7 - I care about others in my family and the world because...

8 - I enjoy the day today, even though it may be challenging or uncomfortable.

9 - It is OK to feel whatever I feel right now.

10 - I am grateful for...

11 - I am in control of...

12 - I will make a difference in the world.

13 - I should be kind to and respectful of all living things.

14 - There is beauty all around me.

15 - I am deserving of love and respect.

16 - My body deserves respect, too, no matter how it looks or feels right now.

17 - My body is unique because...

18 - Creativity leads to new ideas and positive thinking.

19 - I am going to try to be better at...

20 - I am going to try to be more mindful of...

21 - I will try to be thankful for my life.

22 - I am going to be a better person because...

23 - I will learn how to live the "best life" possible right now.

24 - Life is full of adventure and possibilities.

25 - There are good and bad things in this world, but I can choose which ones mean the most to me.

26 - I deserve positive things in my life and every day.

27 - I can't wait to...

28 - I take joy from being...

29 - I will stop wishing I was somewhere else and started living the life I am in.

30 - I can let go of the past and start living today.

31 - I will try to look for the best in myself, others, and the world.

32 - My favorite books are...

33 - I love to...

34 - I tend to think that I am...

35 - I can choose which thoughts or behaviors help or hurt me.

36 - My favorite TV shows are...

37 - I can take care of myself because...

38 - My favorite foods are...

39 - It is OK to be who I am.

40 - It is OK for me to want the things that others have.

41 - Before I die, I want to...

42 - I have a right to be here.

43 - I love the idea of...

44 - My favorite colors are...

45 - I can choose to be different than I am and always change my mind.

46 - I can choose to think different thoughts if I want to.

47 - There is always something right in my life, and that is...

48 - It's OK for me to be upset or angry sometimes, but I will try not to stay there.

49 - Some people may tell me that...

50 - I can be more positive or negative in my thoughts and actions.

51 - I am always capable of...

52 - I am the one that makes all the choices in my life.

53 - It is my fault if I act like a jerk.

54 - If I feel good about myself, then they will see it or feel it too.

55 - I can choose to be a good person.

56 - Life has meaning even if...

57 - Love is everywhere, and anything can happen to me if...

58 - I want to read...

59 - I'll try to be...

60 - My favorite thing to do is...

61 - I want to live my life so that...

62 - I want the things in my life to change so that...

63 - Other people are looking at me, so I need to look my best.

64 - If everything goes wrong, then it will ruin my day.

65 - Everyone needs to do their part.

66-I am ready for the challenges ahead of me.

67 - I need to say goodbye to...

68 - I can make sure that...

69 - There are things of beauty all around me.

70 - I'm grateful for the life that I have.

So, will you start journaling? You will feel so good writing down what you're feeling at the moment, putting your words out to a paper, and putting out your fears and doubts to reach what you want in life! So, start as soon as possible! Then, you will not regret it!

See you soon!