Exercise: An important task in your daily life

The benefits of exercise are endless. From weight loss to lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and a lowered risk for heart disease and diabetes, it is without question one of the essential tasks in your daily life. But what's not so widely known is how exercising can also help improve your mental health. When you work out regularly, you release feel-good endorphins that block feelings of stress and anxiety. You also experience a natural high from breathing in those fresh endorphins.

There are many ways to get some exercise every day. Simply walking is an effective way to boost your health, and if you can take a 30-minute power walk, you've made a perfect choice. It's even better if you can get a group of friends together and go together; you will have more fun and be more motivated to stick with it. Another great option is to join a sports team. Not only will you have fun and meet new people, but you'll have the benefit of getting exercise while doing something you really enjoy. And even if you are new at playing the sport, there are likely intermediate or beginner levels so that everyone can participate without worry. So go out and get active today! Whether it's a walk or joining a sports team, your body and mind will thank you when you do. 

Benefits of Exercise

While exercise has many benefits for the body, it can also benefit the mind. 

The process of movement often causes us to reflect on our thoughts and emotions. As a result, movement is a very effective way to help us learn more about ourselves and our relationships with others. 

Design a poster that inspires you to stay fit, healthy, and vital for at least five years.

Show off your poster by posting it on a bulletin board or on a website. Title:

Exercise: An important task in your daily life

Exercise is essential for today's students. So let's start by designing a poster on "Why Exercise is important."

The body, mind, and soul all work together to create who you are. Exercise brings all of these into balance. It makes our bodies stronger and healthier; it improves our moods, helps us sleep better, helps us think more clearly, and boosts our memories. 

Exercise is a conscious decision that helps improve our feelings inside and out. In addition, optimum exercise can give a person the energy and motivation to play sports and stay fit. 

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

When we exercise, our mind is more alert and focused because it is filled with positive energy from the positive endorphin rush. As a result, our minds are clear of harmful or stressful thoughts, leaving us focused and with a clear path to follow. Without this mental clarity, we cannot be productive or enjoy any given moment of our life in school or out.

Stand Out 

Sometimes, we stay so overwhelmed with many such things we need to do daily that it seems we can't ever reach what we really want. 

We want to become more healthy; we want to become more fit; we want to have more time for our family, and we want to be happy!

That's why I created The STAND OUT program, and is specially designed for women who:

- want to control their own schedule (and not the other way around)

- are desperate to have more time for themselves

- have their notebook full of to-dos, but there are simply not enough hours during the day

- crave healthier food that doesn't take hours to cook or to prepare

- would like to feel better about their body

Feel free to contact me via IG (@petraabarros) or email petra.barros@realmotherstalk.com

See you next week