How to live in a Healthy Lifestyle

With the hectic schedules of a typical day, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Thankfully, there are several easy and affordable steps you can take to make your life healthier and feel better! These lifestyle suggestions will keep you energized and on top of your game.

1) Keep hydrated - Staying hydrated is one of the simplest things you can do for overall health. You'll be able to focus better, have more energy and have a clearer mind if you drink one glass of water per hour. For example, I love to drink 1L of water before breakfast, and now I can't start breakfast without my water!

2) Exercise - Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It's one of the best ways to boost mood, pump energy levels and increase your metabolic rate. You can get in shape without a gym membership or equipment. Instead, go for a walk, run, ride in the park or go for a swim.

3) Eat more veggies - Not only are vegetables nutritionally dense and loaded with antioxidants that help fight disease, but they're also incredibly easy on the wallet. Stick to local organic produce to avoid high pesticide content and enjoy a rainbow of colors!

4) Get more sleep - Lack of sleep can damage some of the most important parts of your body. It's even been shown to impair memory. So if you're not getting enough shut-eye, you're missing out on a good night's rest, and your overall health will suffer.

5) Be kind - Kindness can be either giving or receiving. It's not only a way to help yourself but also others. The simple act of helping someone out is the best cure for stress and anxiety. For more exciting tips on being kind, reach out to

6) Eat breakfast - Fruit and protein are good breakfast options that offer incredible energy and nutrients and keep you full longer throughout the day. Fruit is also rich in antioxidants which help cleanse your system and improve your immune system. A glass of vegetarian milk and some cereal will give you the energy you need for a productive day! Or, if you prefer, eat 2 eggs. You will feel good after.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

7) Don't forget about yourself - Everyone needs a break. Let them lean on you for support if a friend or family member needs lifting up. If you're feeling caught up in stress, take some time to write down your thoughts in your journal. By finding time to relax and refocus, you'll be able to kick your worries to the curb.

8) Practice meditation - You can improve circulation and focus on the task by taking time out of the day to clear your mind. A simple tip is to focus on your breath. First, inhale as deeply as possible through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Then, inhale again deeply and Repeat. While you meditate and focus on your breath, the body responds with a state of relaxation.

9) Skip the snacks - Snacking is often the last thing we think about when we're hungry. However, if you try to eat a healthy snack, you'll almost always find it unsatisfying or even harmful to your health. So instead of grabbing something from a vending machine or sitting next to the vending machine all day long, take your time and make yourself a small meal that you'll enjoy.

10) Take a break from technology - Technology is great to help us stay connected, but we tend to use it the wrong way. Sitting in front of your electronic device half the day can cause mental exhaustion. If you're looking for time to relax, take a break from your phone or tablet and try using some of the following suggestions:

a). Read a book - Books are better for our brains than their electronic counterpart. Reading is a low-impact, mind-stimulating activity that will help you relax and learn new information.

b). Go for a walk - Walking is also good for the body and the soul. Exercise in nature has been shown to reduce stress and bring a sense of peace to busy minds. Enjoy the fresh air!

11) Don't hold onto worries - Worrying will only weigh you down and ruin your spirit. If there's something you're anxious about, write it down in your journal and let it go. Instead of wasting your time and energy worrying, use this time to be productive. What do you like to do? What can you do to improve your life? How can you help someone else?

All these tips are easy to implement and inexpensive enough that they'll be worth the investment!

You can do this. If you want to feel better with yourself, you just need the wheel to start and stick to it.

I will see you next week!