Being a successful mompreneur

When you're a mom with a business, the demands of your work and home life can be tough to reconcile. But it's not impossible! From time management hacks to advice on how to find balance, here are 40 tips for making it all work.

The choice is yours: go back to the 9-5 world or take the leap and become a mompreneur. Regardless of your choice, these 20 tips will help you live that entrepreneurial dream, and you might find yourself with a successful business and a happy family, too.

1. Nurture your dreams

Whether you dream of a full-time gig, a part-time job, or simply having enough time to enjoy family life, nurturing and developing those dreams is essential. Think about ways you can build your skills and become more confident in all aspects of your life -- including in the role of a mom.

2. Believe in yourself

It's easy to get stuck in a rut when you have kids. So first, list all your accomplishments, big and small. Then, re-read it on bad days (when you doubt yourself) to remind yourself what you can achieve. And when someone tells you otherwise, smile and thank them for their opinion!

3. Don't be afraid to ask for help

When running a business with children, you may feel like doing it alone. But don't be afraid to sometimes ask friends, family members, and even your kids for help.

4. Stay positive

There's a good reason why the saying "Be Positive" has been woven into our skin for generations: it works. And remember to be grateful for the big and little things, too!

5. Look for other ways to do things

It may be tempting to go with the flow when you have kids, but it's crucial to find other ways of doing things so you can keep up and get those creative juices flowing.

6. Work at home

If you can't make it to the office daily, don't despair! Work-from-home is perfectly viable for many moms.

7. Get organised and start small

Organise your paperwork and bring only what you need when you go to work -- this will help keep your piles down to a manageable size. Regarding time management, have a clear plan of what needs to be done daily. Do your best!

8. Schedule distractions

Feel free to answer emails or see what's going on on Facebook if you are in the middle of playtime. But remind yourself: it will get done soon enough!

9. Learn to say no

One of the most challenging things about being a mom is saying no. But saying "no" can sometimes be the best thing you can do for your business, health, and relationships with friends, family, and children.

10. Take breaks, go out, and play

But remember that work still needs to be done when you're away from the office, so plan.

11. Make time for yourself and your business

Remember why you set up your own company in the first place and protect the time you need to spend on it. If things aren't going as planned, don't worry: it will turn around eventually. Keep at it!

12. Focus on what works for you

If your work style is to send out many reminders, then use that - it's a great way to get things done more efficiently! On the other hand, if you're more fun and outgoing, focus on being friendly, approachable, and emotionally responsive - that will help keep your team happy and help you get things done even faster.

13. Do something every day

It doesn't have to be big or fancy -- do something for yourself. Whether you enjoy baking and getting to know your family's favorite recipes or making art or crafts, it's all important! So remember to take your time and have fun doing what you love.

14. Be flexible

Sometimes the best things in life don't always fit into a pre-determined plan! So don't feel guilty if you need to change your work plans at the last minute. The more flexible you are, the more likely it is that everything will fall into place when it needs to.

15. Switch off with friends

Don't feel bad if you are in the midst of family life and have to switch off sometimes. Instead, make time for your friends and family (and always ensure you have a definite end to each day so you can switch off).

16. Make a list

If you're finding it hard to keep up, try making a list of all your tasks -- this will help keep you on track and feel less stressed.

17. Try out new apps

Plenty of apps can help you manage your time more efficiently and get more done in the same amount of time. Try out a few before deciding which one works best for you!

18. Keep your weekends flexible

Keep them free if you rely on weekends to get things done, and don't want to feel guilty if they fall at the last minute. You can plan those tasks during other parts of the week.

19. Do what makes you happy

If it feels right to you, go with your gut feeling! The more important thing is that your work is fulfilling and that it keeps you sane and grounded at the same time.

20. Vacations are important

Remember that you don't have to have a holiday every year if you have kids! So even if you only have time for one mini-vacation a year, don't let that stop you from making it count.

Do things on your time. Feel free to do something at a time. That was my mistake when I started out; believe me, the feeling is horrible. So, listen, and stay at your rhythm. It's ok to do small daily tasks, but understand that small tasks will allow you to start the big ones.

I hope this post is helpful.

I will see you next week.