How to Grow on Social Media

If you want to increase your business exposure on social media and grow your following, you need to approach it like any other marketing campaign. Similar to how you would promote a new product, your goal is to find the right audience who will respond well and make purchases. This article will cover how to grow on social media, including building an audience and getting more engagement on your posts.

Be Likeable

Your customers want to interact with brands they like, but what makes a brand lovable? You have to be likable. What makes people love you? Your products or services are a big part of it, but the little things you do outside of those products will also impact whether people love or hate you.

Monkey see monkey do. If people see you being arrogant and rude on social media, they will start acting that way toward you. Conversely, if they see you being friendly and polite to everyone all the time, they'll feel compelled to be nice too. Social media is where you can't hide behind your brand name like typical advertising. People can and will find out who's genuinely there for them and who isn't.

Be responsive

If someone sends you an email, phone call, or message on social media, it's your job to get back to them. Please don't ignore it. It only annoys people and makes you seem like a brand with lousy support. Instead, take care of all your customer needs quickly so they can enjoy their purchase and return for more.

Don't be fake

Pretending to be something you're not is a great way to lose loyal customers. Don't pretend you're the friendliest person because you're not. Don't pretend to be a local brand if you aren't. Be yourself; if people don't like you, it's their problem.

Be positive

The world could be better, and there will always be issues with your brand. There will always be some people who say mean things about you, but it's your job as a marketer to keep yourself in check and your messaging positive. You're selling to people, not trying to destroy them. If you have a good mood, you'll reflect that, and others will feel the same.

Keep up-to-date with social media trends

Yes, it's essential to keep things fresh by posting new content, but it's also important to stay on top of the social media trends, so people know what platform is best for your business. Knowing what kind of content will be popular and which images are the most effective will help you along the way.

Create a Great Looking Profile

You need a great-looking profile if you want people to follow your business. No one wants to pursue a brand that doesn't care about how their profile looks. Many people will make their profiles for fun and not even care about the follower count. If your account is just another account with no personality full of bots, the chances of getting engagement are low.

Know who you want to target

This step is about finding the right audience, and your target customer doesn't care how your profile looks. For example, a target customer doesn't care if the logo is in the top left or top right, but you do because it will be visible in every post posted.

Make a profile picture with a relevant logo

If people can't tell what business you're from an image, they won't follow you. An excellent way to do this is to include a logo or image that is part of your branding or something relevant to your product. It doesn't have to be a picture of the product. There are lots of stock images you can use that work perfectly fine.

Fill out all the details properly

Instagram expects a company's name and logo at the top of every profile, so make sure you add it immediately. Add your website, email address, Twitter handle, and anything else you would like people to know. The more information you give out there, the better. People who interact with your profile want to know exactly who they're interacting with.

Post-Publish Your Content

Once you've identified your target market, created a great profile, and written some good posts, the next step is publishing the posts. A lot of marketers will tell their followers to share their content. This is a bad idea. You don't want to be spammy and want people to read what you wrote, not just scroll through your feed and see irrelevant links.

Make sure each post is relevant and has a purpose

If you're trying to drive traffic, write about relevant products to your target market, or else they'll skip over your posts, and all the effort will be wasted. If you're trying to increase engagement, tell a story. Tell people about your company or your experience with the brand. Write in-depth content that people will want to read. Remember, anything that isn't relevant is spammy.

Be consistent with posting

If you post once every three months, no one will be there for you when you want them to be. The best way to grow followers is by posting at a set time every day. Then, if you have time and want to post more often, you don't have to worry about things slowing down. Just make sure each post has a purpose, and don't be too spammy in the process.

Post high-quality content 

If you're going to spend all this time on your content, make sure it's worth reading. People can see right through boring, low-quality content that doesn't have a point or doesn't add any value or entertainment to their lives. Focus on quality, and people will come running.

Track What's Working

Good marketing takes time and effort. You often don't know for sure what's working and what isn't until quite a bit of time has gone by. However, once you start seeing results, you can begin tweaking your strategy to get even better results that are more predictable and easier to predict.

Analyze the success of your posts

You can always see how many people are visiting your posts, but you can also see what kind of response they're getting. Is it just a bunch of robots, or is there an authentic audience? If you're trying to drive traffic and engagement, make sure all your posts are highly relevant and exciting.

I hope this post was helpful to you.

I will see you next week!