Best Tips for Entrepreneurs

I know lately, I've been talking a lot about the subject Mindset, Procrastination, Taking action, and now Entrepreneurship. Well, the reason is simple. I'm starting this new project, and all these are things I'm learning and sharing with you along the way. And if we want to grow our business or career, we need to invest time studying. So while looking for answers to my quest, I started to think, what are the best tips for entrepreneurs?

And I went to look for it. I saw many videos, and I used my best friend Google to find interesting articles and dig deep and learn. And here I am to share with you my findings.

So let's start:

Find your passion

Passion is everything you need to start. You need to find something you love that you can read and talk about for hours. And build your concept around that subject. If we work with passion, we will never work in our lives. We will be masters on the subject and dedicate all our energy and time to develop the project. It will be our baby. The key is, you need to be emotionally involved.

Define your goals

Here we need to be very honest with ourselves and define what we want to achieve clearly. If we do something that we love, we need to be careful and don't be carried away and go over the top with our dreams. Keep realistic goals and achievable ones and go from there.

With this, I'm not saying that we can't dream big. We should have big dreams but also a good plan and vision on how to reach them. As Benjamin Franklin said, by the way, it's one of my favorite quotes: "If we fail to plan, then we plan to fail."



Don't be afraid to fail

If one thing that all entrepreneurs don't have is being afraid. All of them take risks and push every time to the limit of their capacity for their dream. And keep in mind that if we don't fail, we are not trying hard enough. We don't build empires by having one good idea. All the big names in the business world tried and failed several times before achieving greatness. Even in our day-to-day life, we need to rule out fear to fail. When we are afraid, our brain freezes and starts to find ways to protect us. It's his job, and he does an excellent job at it. So we need to train our brains to stop overthinking everything and give freedom to creativity and dreams.

Stay hunger

Previously we talked about goals, and now we need to speak about when we finally achieve them. At that moment, we tend to relax and enjoy life. But that relaxation moment will kill the drive and hunger of success, and that is dangerous. While they are riding the train to "goals town", great leaders are already looking ahead to the next stop. We need to feed ourselves but leave space always for more. I will give you the example of the crocodile, It's a vicious predator that we don't dare to get near in normal circumstances, but when he just finished eating, he enters into a sleepy numbness mode, and we can get next to him and grab him, and he will not react. Why? Because he reached his goal and lost the hunger. So stay hunger and don't fall asleep under the goals achievements.

Ignore the haters

If you love what you are doing and you genuinely believe that you are on the right path, ignore all other voices against you. The mission of a hater is:

They do critics and don't give solutions; 

They only see the negative side, but they don't show you the right path; 

They only try to destroy what you, with your skills and hard work, created.

So ignore all those voices because they don't matter, follow your heart, and you will be fine.

I hope I could explain what I learned about this subject, and let's get to work following these five tips I shared with you.

Let's change the world.

I wish you all great success with your GOALS!

Lots of love