Bolognese Sauce

Who doesn't like Bolognese? Well, almost everyone likes it, especially children.

The recipe that I will share with you is a Bolognese made with white meat, because here at home, we do not eat red meat. This time, it is made with chicken and the sauce is made with fresh tomatoes, which makes the sauce more tasty and creamy.

My kids loved this recipe and when I made it they repeated it 2 times.

It's a Traditional Bolognese Sauce?

It's not a traditional Bolognese Sauce, because normally the traditional one has carrots, cut to pieces, but no one here at home appreciates cooked carrots. It is also made with red meat, but we prefer white.

Can I put any kind of milk?

You can put the milk that you prefer. We love to use most of the times, Coconut Milk, but you can use rice, almond milk or normal milk, as you prefer.


What kind of pasta should we accompany Bolognese?

As far as I know, Bolognese must be accompanied by Tagliatelle pasta, but you can use any type of pasta you want. For example, we love to eat with spaghetti, but it can be with the type of pasta you prefer.

If you do it in large quantities, the good thing is that you can freeze it for up to 3 months, but here at home what is left over is like for leftovers, because they don't mind to repite this recipe after 2 days.

But let's talk about the recipe and all the steps to follow.

First, put 2 fresh tomatoes in the oven, with oregano, salt and olive oil and leave in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 220ºC.

After that, let's start making Bolognese. Put olive oil and onion in a pan. Let it fry and then put the minced meat already seasoned with lemon and stir well.

Then add the garlic and celery and stir well again.

Then add the tomato pulp and mix well.

Cook for 10m over medium heat.

After 10 minutes, insert the tomatoes removed from the oven, already chopped and add to the pan. Stir well and add the vegetable broth and then coconut milk. Wrap it up well.

Delicious Bolognese Sauce.jpg

Finally, add salt and 3 fresh sprigs of chopped parsley.

Stir well and cook for 1 hour over low heat. Bolognese is much tastier when cooked with time.

Enjoy this recipe and try at home! If you have kids, they will love it for sure. Let me know in the comments

See you soon

Lots of Love.


  • Olive Oil

  • 1 medium onion

  • Half lemon juice

  • 600 g of minced chicken

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1/4 of celery branch

  • 150ml of tomato sauce

  • 2 fresh tomatoes (good size)

  • Oregano

  • 200ml of Vegetable Broth

  • 1 cup of Coconut Milk

  • 3 small sprigs of fresh parsley

  • Salt