Take Action

It makes today two months that I launched my first post here in my blog, and tomorrow makes two months that I started my 1st youtube channel. 

But the question is, for how long I had this dream and idea? The answer is YEARS, that's right, from the concept to reality, it took me more than three years. And why? The answer is simple because I didn't take action!

So today, this is what I want to talk to you about - Taking action.

Today I want to start with a quote from Jim Rohn - 

"Here's the time to act when the idea is hot, and the emotion is strong."

All of us are driven by impulses, emotions, and ideas. It's our human nature. The problem is that not all of us react the same way to these urges and impulses. That's why we say, He's very impulsive, and I'm more the thinking type. How many times have you heard this? A lot for sure.

There is no problem with being less impulsive and stop to think. The problem is when we take too much time to act. 

 When we have an idea, we need to react as soon as possible. If we don't do it, life goes on, and moments later, we don't have the same will anymore, and we lose the opportunity.

For example, let's see my case; for three years that I had the idea of making a blog, I would get excited about the idea and start to think about it. But I have a big problem: I'm a perfectionist, and I tend to overthink everything, so before doing something, I start by making a list in my head of all the things that I need to do. The problem is that with this comes the awareness of the daunting task, and the fear of not being perfect takes place, and I panic and give up. I start to say to myself, "I need to think better about this before I start."

So how have I given the first step?

While watching videos on youtube, I noticed a pattern, all of the famous YouTubers had at least one video talking about their first video and their beginning. And all of them were embarrassed by how terrible their first videos were. And I started to see that all of them just gave a leap of faith and took action. 

We all fear failure and what people might think and that we have no quality and maybe we should stay put.

Why is it important to take action?

By taking action, you get out of the comfort zone, which is the only way to evolve. Taking action helps you to overcome your fears. You cannot know what you want in life and don't go after it by fear. 

How many of you keep reading, watching videos, and studying hard to get better at something you don't dare to show to the world? Does it make sense? 

Do you know what makes sense? It's this if you don't take action, you will regret it later, and maybe it's going to be too late.

Also, taking action doesn't always mean you need to have money or experience. The only thing I can guarantee is that it needs your desire to move forward.

When you take action:

  • you overcome your fears

  • you develop new skills

  • you stop complaining

  • you start to get results

How do I take action?

Well, I would say that now you are making the right question, this is the moment that your life will change forever. And the most fantastic thing is when you start to take action every time, this will become a habit, and you will never stop retaking action in your life.

So the next time you have an idea, follow your dream and follow these steps:

  • Don't overthink:

    • We all overthink, and we fail to execute. And please understand, I'm not advocating for you not to think; I'm just saying to don't overthink. You will find 100 problems and lose focus on the action and focus on solving the issues before starting.

  • Don't overlearn

    • For three years, my husband and I tried to learn how to make a blog and a channel, but the new information would appear every day. And this is life. We never stop learning until we die, so take action and keep learning along the way.

  • Start small

    • for this one, I give you a quote by Zig Zagler - "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

  • Keep improving with your mistakes.

    • Your last mistake is your best teacher, and remember, if you're not making mistakes, you are not trying new things.

  • Set smart goals

    • Goals are the fuel for our motivation, set a clear and objective goal, and you will find the way to achieve it. For example, if you set the goal to lose weight but don't define how much, your motivation will be smaller since you don't know where the finish line is. By saying I want to lose 20kg in 6 months, you now can draw a plan to achieve it and see progress daily.

  • Forget perfection

    • This is the most important of all, people that tend to follow perfection never finish anything because there is no such thing as perfection. It is not what is done perfectly that counts but what we have done at the end of the day.

Now that you know how to take action go and don't be afraid to fail, Because F.A.I.L. is just the First Attempt ILearning.