Chicken with Potatoes in the Oven

If you're looking for an easy way to make dinner for your family, look no further than this simple dish, which takes less than 40 minutes to prepare.

Maybe now you're thinking, "40 minutes?". And I will say that it will be the best 40 minutes to prepare a delicious dish but at the same time with no complicated ingredients. This dish is cheap, simple, and to be honest with you, this recipe just came up in my head, and I did my first when some friends came to my house to have dinner, to enjoy another moment together.

I had to prepare a dish for 8 people, and I thought a lot about what to cook, but after a while, I said to myself, no, this time I'm going to prepare something easy and delicious. And so it was.

Then you have the option of serving with salad or just tomatoes, your choice.

You can create a dish for those days when you have guests coming to your house, and if the family is small enough, it's a good dish since usually, the kids love chicken.

Since I created this recipe, I can tell you that I have already done it three times, and the kids keep loving it. My daughter, for example, repeated three times, and usually, she's a difficult child concerning eating meat.

My son repeated also, but for him, it's not a problem to eat meat!

So, there is a big YES for this dish, and here at home, chicken is the main meat. 

Let's be honest, chicken with potatoes, it's a perfect combination. It's like a burger with fries. Especially when you do the ideal sauce with spices. I'm going to share it with you in a minute.

You will love this easy and delicious recipe.

Let's start to prepare!

First, cook the chicken legs. Then, I put in the water olive oil and salt (when the water is boiling). 

Aside, cook the potatoes. Also, I put olive oil and salt in the water when boiled.

When the chicken is cooked, I start to shred the chicken. In a pan, add olive oil with garlic and onion. Mix well, and add the chicken. Mix well again. The next step is to put the spices. I mix three sices. They were paprika, ginger and curcuma. Put on top of the chicken, mix well and start to put the coconut milk slowly. Again, mix well.

It's time to see if the potatoes are cooked enough, and it's time to put the chicken and potatoes together to go to the oven.

In a casserole, put first the chicken and, on top, the potatoes. Next, you can add on top of the potatoes a little bit of fresh parsley.

It's the moment to put this delicious dish in the oven, pre-heated, with 180º. Leave for about 15 minutes.

Check if the potatoes start to have a brown color and if yes, you can take it out from the oven, and it's ready to serve.

It's really so delicious!

I invite you to try it and leave me a comment about the result of your experience, ok?


  • 3 garlic cloves

  • small onion

  • olive oil

  • 7 chicken legs (a dish for 4 persons)

  • 5 big potatoes

  • 1 teaspoon of paprika

  • 1 teaspoon of ginger

  • 1 teaspoon of Curcuma

  • 1 cup with Coconut Milk
