How I Started my Baby Brand (Part 1)

This blog post today is about how I started my baby accessory brand! A hard but wonderful process. And due to my experience and what I’ve learned   I have put together some tips on how to start your own business with your own stylish brand.

But before, let me tell you why and how I’ve started mine.

Photo by Joao Tzanno on Unsplash

A few years ago, while pregnant with my first child, I was in a huge baby shop, those kinds of shops that have everything from A to Z for this new phase of our lives, Clothes, Accessories, Toys, Furniture, buggies, car seats … the whole shebang. But while travelling through the entire shop and the more I was seeing the more I had the impression that something was missing in all products, durability and longevity. Everything was done to one and one purpose only and to be used in a very short period of time and all with a very high price.

I knew there had to be a better solution for some indispensable products. After researching the products online, I noticed that none had a practical solution on them, not only functional but also sustainable. I decided right then and there that my brand would be focused on articles with durability, longevity  and very functional and practical to help parents with their new daily tasks.

Another important point was, the material that products were made of. Polyester is cheap but not environment friendly and especially not a good solution for babies with such delicate skin. So for my brand every material was chosen carefully. We only use 100% cotton or organic cotton.

But one more thing was needed, I wanted my products to be very easily identified so I decided to include in all of them a detail in crochet. Why crochet? Because of my grandmother, I’ve the memory of her doing crochet all the time and she teached me how to do it. So in honor of my grandmother the crochet became our personal brand detail.

So, since I needed it to be a little detail, I created five little shapes in crochet: a flower, a fish, a car, a butterfly, and a bow.

So, now that I’ve a concept and my brand style defined, what about the name? 

While talking to my husband about possible names we started to brainstorm and make a list of possible names. 

I remember saying to him - “ I don’t want a name without meaning, I don’t want a name that just sounds good but that has no history for us. I need this name to represent me and my personality”

We kept talking and bringing names to the table but no luck. One day I was walking together with my husband while very pregnant and he started to make fun of my walk. Why? Well during my first pregnancy I gained 22kg so by the end I had to walk with my feet pointing more to the outside and that gave me a funny walk, like swinging from one side to the other.

And he started calling me PATAXOCA, which was a cute and lovely way of remembering my walk and looks. This is when we realized that there was no other better name than this one, since this was personal, and represented myself and it was the way my husband found to show all the love for me. So we decided to use it for our brand.

So, the idea was there, the name also, so now it was time to start defining our products. 

We had defined some key features for our products: Practical, Evolutive, Unique, Handmade, Good quality materials and they needed to look beautiful. I started designing several products after I gave birth, which was good, now I know my needs and what is missing in the market.

So I started to use my new acquired knowledge to create products that would help parents as well. 

Next week, I will continue to share with you (Part 2)

Lots of love