Do you want to wake up Happier?

You might assume that a happier person wakes up feeling better than they did when they went to sleep. But, surprisingly, it is the other way around. Happiness in the morning seems to come from good quality sleep, whereas happiness at night may be due to an increased release of endorphins or mood-enhancing hormones. The key point is that poor quality sleep can lead to feelings of unhappiness, just like unhappy thoughts and feelings can lead to more inadequate quality sleep. So how to sleep well?

1. Do you have a bedtime routine?

Photo by SHOP SLO® on Unsplash

It's not what you think. It is not always the bedtime routine that helps, but often another small step before bedtime that can bring an increased sense of happiness in the morning. It may be something small such as taking a hot bath or walking after dinner.

2. Monitor your sleep.

The simplest way to improve your sleep is by monitoring it. Tracking the time you go to bed, how long it takes you to fall asleep, how well you sleep, how much time you spend awake during the night, and how long it takes you to get back to sleep (the sleep efficiency) can give you an idea of what works best for you.

3. Manage your stress levels.

Stress can keep us awake at night and affect our happiness in the morning. So breathe easy and relax. Here are some ideas on how to get rid of stress:

a) Exercise. Exercise releases endorphins that can produce a sense of being calm and relaxed. Your body's physiological response to exercise is similar to the feeling of your bedfellows in a strange bed after moving out of an empty one. So please don't overdo it; too much exercise can make you feel exhausted and cranky in the mornings.

b) Take a warm bath. Warm baths before bed can make it easier to slip into sleep. Make sure the temperature is comfortable for your skin and try adding some ginger or lavender oil—both have been shown to improve sleep quality.

4. Get into good bedtime habits.

Here are some changes you can make to help you sleep better:

a) If your room is too hot, too noisy, or isn't in a state of calm and reflection, move to another room before bedtime.

b) A home that is too cluttered or messy can heighten anxiety; a simple way to overcome this is to surround yourself with familiar objects, especially things you have positive associations with. Spend a few moments arranging your favorite things at bedtime, so the surrounding environment feels like a place you feel good.

5. Don't stay up late.

If you wake up during the night, get up immediately. Start by turning on a light. Next, make sure the temperature is comfortable for your skin and try adding some ginger or lavender oil—both have been shown to improve sleep quality.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

6. Try out a sleep mask.

The blue light from a computer, TV, tablet, or phone can keep you awake at night, leading to poor sleep quality. A simple solution is to wear a sleep mask that blocks out the blue light emitted by these screens at night and helps you relax during the day.

7. Reduce noise in your bedroom overnight.

An environment that is too noisy can keep you awake at night and make it difficult to fall asleep. You may need to turn on the television or a fan and close your window at night; this might help you relax.

8. Try napping during the day.

Sleeping during the day can positively affect your sleep quality and improve your mood. Try taking a 30-minute nap in the afternoon, either lying down or sitting, breathing deeply, and relaxing for about 15 minutes. 

9. Practice good sleep hygiene.

Good sleep hygiene is about the things you do before bed that promote good sleeping habits. It includes: keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet; not looking at bright screens in the evening, especially in the hour before bedtime; not eating a big meal too close to rest, and getting up at the same time every morning.

10. Avoid alcohol near bedtime as it can keep you awake and affect your sleep quality. 

Another point that I think is very important is to design your bedroom or put it in a way that you feel connected with and feel good about it. You don't need loads of money to put your bedroom the way you like. Just look at these points that I'm going to share with you and check if it's the way you want:

  • Colors: Does your bedroom have the colors you prefer? It's essential to insert your favorite colors.

  • Lights: what kind of lights do you have? It's a soft light, an intense light, it's yellow, white? So important for the environment of your bedroom.

  • Decoration: do you have your dream decoration in your bedroom? It doesn't need to be expensive. You just need to decorate with pieces of decoration that you identify most to be perfect for you! Are you more classical, or are you more creative or original? Just be you!

  • Alarm clock: you are going to laugh about this one! First, you need to be in love with your alarm clock, which goes with your style. Second, you need to choose an alarm to ensure you do not wake up in shock, but preferably in a friendly way!

I hope this was helpful to you, and I will see you next week!