The worst feeling you can experience is...

The worst feeling you can experience is when you are struggling to come up with a new idea or in need of motivation. Writer's Block is hard to overcome, but different tactics such as 'taking notes' or 'keeping a journal can help. The best way to combat this crippling problem is by keeping several tabs open on your browser and reading through publications that interest you. You might discover the next bestseller, which is a great feeling.

Writer's Block is one of those things that you can't see coming, and it has a personal impact on you because it's so out of your control. It feels like something is crushing your soul, and you're in such a sour mood because of this. When people face writer's Block, they experience severe anxiety as well as depression and low self-esteem. Writer's Block is extraordinarily frustrating, and you might think, "If I can't do something as easy as write, what else can I do?" But you've got to remember that everyone goes into a period where they just aren't able to write. It's not your fault. It's just how the body works. You might be thinking, "But if I'm not writing now, I won't be able to in the future either." This couldn't be further from the truth.

As long as you are in the publishing industry, you are in a position to write. Even if you don't have an agent, you can still register and have a good idea. Then, if you get stuck on something, just take out your journal or even send your manuscript to a few people and get feedback from them. You can also try to think about your goals for publishing your book. Now, I'm talking about writer's blocks, but it can be creating content for social media, like bloggers, content creators, or even creators of a new physical product. They just don't know how or where to start! And the worst feeling is not putting out the idea that we love! But there's a solution.

Photo by Billy Pasco on Unsplash

When working on content for your brand or for a client, you can first take notes of some of your favorite articles, books, or pieces of content that you enjoyed reading and can relate to. This makes a good impression, and you can also refer back to it. When I get stuck, I like to do something more drastic. I want to switch up my routine. It's like a ritual for me. I'll take my dog out for a walk, eat my favorite breakfast meal and listen to some music that helps me calm down.

Competing with other content creators can be tricky. When holding your own against different authors, you need to be more specific about what kind of content you want to create and why. You can put a lot more thought into it when you do this. Primarily if your competition covers the same topics as you do. If that's the case, you should try publishing a book on that topic or creating an e-book on anything similar. It's easier to get in front of the competition when you can show them something they don't have. Marketing your book, especially if you're self-publishing, is a huge step. You might be competing with big publishing companies who already have plenty of books and established characters out there. But if you come up with a good idea, you can create a brand that's all your own.

You might struggle with writer's Block for a long time, but it will happen to everyone at some point, and it's okay.

The worst feeling you can experience is when you have a dream and don't do anything to conquer that dream. Anyone who doesn't have a plan has died. - Tupac Shakur

At one point or another in your life, you will feel like giving up on reaching your dreams. It's one of the most frustrating things to handle. You can be just about at the end of your rope, and you're ready to give up entirely when no matter how bad it is, you come back and make yourself fight for it again. That's really hard to do, but if you don't, then what's the point of living? Life can be a real struggle for many people, and it is not fun or easy. You'll need a lot of motivation to get through certain parts of life, especially if you want to accomplish your goals.

There are many different ways that you can try and motivate yourself by accessing this inner part of yourself. This can help you achieve any goal that you have set up for yourself in life. There's nothing worse than being in an emotional state that makes you feel completely hopeless and depressed. But you can try to fight through it. You have to promise to yourself that you will give everything you have to achieve whatever goal you've set out for yourself in life.

You might find that this is a good place for you for inspiration or motivation. However, it is best not to let something as harmful as writer's Block get the best of you.

One good reminder, keep going, and you will get there!

I will see you next week!