Easy Salmon Burgers

If you love salmon, this recipe is going to be a life-saver for you. Salmon is a delicious type of fish with an excellent nutritional profile and taste, but it can be challenging to prepare. For you to learn how to cook salmon in your own kitchen, check out this recipe! It's so simple and easy to do, and most importantly, the kids loved it! 

You'll soon be eating the best salmon possible at home or even on the go with some fresh bread and lemon wedges.

What are the Benefits of the Salmon?

Salmon is a type of fish that eats a diet high in marine algae. Animals in their habitat often feed on the same prey, including herring, capelin, sand lance, and anchovy. As a result, it is known as one of the most abundant species in the world.

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Salmon can be described as silver-colored with prominent silvery markings on their bodies and dark spots or stripes on their backs. When living inland or far from shore, they will develop a darker color due to shorter lifespans than salmon near rivers with plenty of freshwaters. The flesh has an intense pink hue when raw and turns white once it's cooked.

Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3's can boost brain function, cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation in the body, and even slow down aging. So if you're interested in looking after your mental, physical, or emotional health, then salmon should be on your menu. With so many benefits to this fishy delicacy, it's no wonder that people are waking up to its importance more and more as time goes by.

The first big benefit is for your brain. Studies have shown that eating fish positively affects the human child's brain development and is proven to improve learning, memory, and problem-solving skills. It can even prevent age-related cognitive impairment. The reason for this is that omega-3's are an essential part of the brain. They are also crucial for eye development in children as well as growth in teenagers and adults. So not only will eating salmon help you be more competent, but it can also help you see better!

Another significant aspect of omega 3's is their positive circulation effects on the body or cardiovascular function, to be more specific.

The inflammation process is something you need to avoid for your health and for your appearance. When inflammation is at its highest levels, it can lead to many skin conditions, including acne, often inflamed and red skin. Omega-3's are a great way to prevent this type of skin condition from occurring. They are especially beneficial for those individuals with high omega-6 fatty acid intake as already there may be too much omega-6 in their diet.

This fish is also great for your overall health and wellbeing.

Delicious Recipe

You can make the most of a sale by stocking up on salmon burgers. Here's why:

- 100% natural and wild-caught

- Excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein

- Approx. 160 calories per burger

- Free of antibiotics and preservatives

Salmon burgers are an excellent choice for the grill this summer, especially if you're looking for a lighter alternative to beef burgers.

This is a great recipe to make with your whole family.

First, you pick a nice piece of fresh salmon and put some lemon juice with a bit of salt and pepper. Then, put the salmon in the oven with a temperature of 220ºC for 10/12m. 

During this time, you can start to prepare the other ingredients. 

You can put the organic flour in a large bowl, add garlic, then lemon zest, and add four spices: dry parsley, paprika, ginger, and Italian herbs.

Finally, add the eggs and mix everything very well. Add salt.

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At this time, the 10m already passed, and you can take it out from the oven the salmon. Then, with a fork, you can flake the salmon, and as you can see in the video, it's so easy to separate the meat from the skin. So, no skin was added with the ingredients. 

With the help of a spoon, you can make little burgers and put them directly into the pan with 3 spoons with olive oil. You can also use coconut oil, I usually do a lot, but olive oil is ok too. 

In 2/3m in a medium temperature, the salmon burgers are ready!

And they are so delicious!



  • 1 large salmon filet (280 grs)

  • Lemon juice (from 1 lemon)

  • 1 teaspoon of pepper

  • 3/4 cup of organic flour (type 65)

  • 1 tbs of zest

  • 3 cloves of garlic

  • 1 teaspoon of paprika

  • 1 teaspoon of ginger

  • 1 teaspoon of Italian herbs

  • 1 teaspoon of dry parsley

  • 2 medium eggs

  • 3 tbs of olive oil

  • salt