How to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts?

Remember, the mind is not only everything. It is the only thing.

A little thought experiment: Would a rock feel pain if you drop it? No, because it has no brain. But what about this theory of mind business? Doesn't that require some kind of consciousness or self-awareness?

No, the "mind" is nothing but an emergent property, and its existence can be reduced to mere brain activity. What we call 'self-awareness' is simply groups of neurons firing together in response to external stimuli. The more complex and active these groups are, the more intense our thoughts and emotions become (but don't worry — there are also drugs for that).

Given enough time, the mind can be reduced to patterns of brain activity, no matter how complex they are. In a certain sense, we could even say that this is their purpose — patterns of brain activity patterns allow us to do things like reading, writing, and thinking in words or symbols.

In other words: The mind has no substance. It is simply a convenient name for all the biochemical processes inside your head and other animals. The mental is not some separate set of stuff going on inside you — it is the material world itself.

This importance of matter should make it easy to understand that there is nothing special about humans. Your mind, thoughts, emotions — they are just as real as the soil beneath your feet and the grass on that soil. 

If you're constantly trying to get something off your mind, the constant babbling and negativity can quickly damage your mental health. Anxiety and depression are two common mental disorders that may cause someone to dwell on negative thoughts or feelings for an extended amount of time. However, there are several ways to get positive thoughts or feelings into the forefront of your mind, which can help reduce anxiety or depression. Here is a list of some helpful techniques:

1) Exercise

This can help clear out some negative energy while improving mood and lowering depression hormones in the brain. Studies have found that exercise reduces depression symptoms even better than antidepressants, which often take weeks before any improvement is seen in people's moods. Training is one of the most effective ways to improve mood levels since it has the same effect on antidepressants' mood. Both activities have been found to cause an increase in serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which also increases happiness and reduces anxiety levels. This will also help reduce stress levels which are often factors when people feel depressed or anxious.

2) Smiling

This seems like a trivial way to improve mood, but smiling lifts mood levels and improves blood flow to the skin, which improves the size and quality of facial features.

3) Meditating and Relaxing Techniques

This can relieve stress, increase focus, and help people deal with negative thoughts or feelings. If you've never tried meditation before, this is an excellent time to start. The meditation practice involves slowing down your thoughts and being in the moment. Meditation can positively affect your overall mental well-being and is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders.

Besides relaxation techniques, you can benefit from breathing exercises.

4) Making New Friends

Some people find it helps to have at least one friend they can vent their frustrations with. Making new friends could also help a person make them feel less alone in certain situations. This could feel like a double benefit since making new friends is proven to increase happiness levels. 

5) Taking Photos

Photo by Jaël Vallée on Unsplash

Taking photos is another great way of getting rid of some negative energy and improving mood when portraying an image that many have not seen in the past. In addition, this may be a great way of helping to get rid of emotionally draining situations, such as the harmful effects of an unplanned pregnancy on someone's life. 

These are the 5 ways that I feel more comfortable when I want negative thoughts to go out of my mind. I know sometimes it's not easy, but we'll definitely feel better if we give an effort. Well, I do!

I love to be here again with you, and I hope you liked it too!

Lots of love

How to clear your Mind?