What are the most popular social media apps among kids in 2021?

How often do you check your social media accounts? Do you share photos of your kids? Your workplace? What are the most popular networks for tweens/teens to use these days? So many questions and not enough answers, which is why this post was created! Social media has been a topic of debate for quite some time now. It's unclear what the actual effects are on children. Still, there does seem to be an association between heavy social media use and low self-esteem and sleep deprivation among younger users. But that we can talk about in another blog post. Now, I want to share with you what apps are the most popular. 

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

The most popular social media apps among kids in 2021 are probably something that doesn't exist yet. Would you believe that since the advent of social media, it's become a whole new era of digital natives who are now comfortably conversing with one another via text, video, or even online gaming? Here are the top seven for 2020, since 2021 is still on!

1- Snapchat - The first and still most popular messaging App among kids. Users can send photos and videos to their friends, which will then be gone within just ten seconds after they're viewed. This App is perfect for sending quick selfies or making other kinds of funny video clips to share with your buddies. The one flaw with Snapchat is that it's so instantaneous, you don't get to see what your friend actually saw. For example, if you send a photo to your friend on Snapchat and only view it for a second, you can only guess what they saw. But really, who cares? You'll still be talking about it over text and video chats.

2- Instagram - Another messaging app and also a social media site where users post photos of themselves, their friends, and even themselves together with their friends. This App allows users to interact with others in different ways. For example, some might prefer to post their own photos, while others might like to post pictures of others. Others might use this App to interact with businesses and order food or even just like shopping! This is so cool because you don't have to wait at the mall anymore!

3- Twitter - Some people say that Twitter is dead, but it's still massively popular among teenagers. Users can upload 140 character text tweets about whatever they want and also like other users' tweets. They can also follow other users, which means that you'll see when they tweet something new. Although it's pretty easy for someone else to follow all of your updates, the actual interaction is minimal. Perhaps people just tweet about what's in the news, or maybe people just talk about other things on their own terms. Maybe it's best to just follow people you know or at least want to talk to.

Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

4- Snapchat Stories - This is a new feature that allows users to add a series of photos and videos on Snapchat that will be automatically deleted after 24 hours. It works well to share fun pics with friends without the worry of losing them forever! Users also can send photos and videos on the phone like standard snaps but can also include filters, drawings, text, etc. The only downside? You can't create new Snapchat stories once they expire (unless you screenshot them).

5- Facebook Messenger - The most popular messaging App globally and one of the most used social media apps, Facebook messenger is what people use when they want to text friends or family about their day. This is because it's the only way to message them without logging into Facebook itself (which can be a pain). You can chat over this App with anyone who has Facebook and still get to see your news feed when you're done chatting.

6 -Tik Tok - This video application allows users to share recordings of themselves via social media. Snapchat is one of the most popular apps used for this, although it might be worth noting that kids are also using other apps like Musical.ly instead. Kids who use these apps try to get Tik Tok views and likes by posting content that they think will be popular. But really, this is a way for people to just be annoying and get likes and views.

7 - What's App - This works very much like Snapchat, but it is used to send text messages instead. The only problem is Whatsapp is owned by Facebook and therefore has limits on how many photos and videos you can send, but with Whatsapp, this doesn't really apply. The only problem with this is that the more photos and videos you send can eventually lead to problems when you're running out of space on your phone.

I hope you liked this information because I want to know which ones my kids like to use most and what they do about it! 

See you soon

Lots of love