Entrepreneur Motivation: If I can, You can as well


It was one of those days, where I sat with my laptop in hand, and a steaming hot cup of coffee on the side, contemplating how to introduce myself to the community of internet, via my first blog. Tons of thoughts and fears were running through my mind, making me second guess my decision.

I knew I was ready for this, but there was still a piece inside that didn’t fit well in the puzzle.

I kept reminding myself that this all may seem very hard in the beginning, because I knew this was all very new for me, but what i didn’t know was that writing my first blog could be such an emotional moment in my journey to following my passion.

Took me two days to finally pen down my first blog. The first day I kept putting it off, because the more thought of putting myself out there for everyone to see and comment on, gave me jitters.

It’s not like I never thought of it, I love the idea of being able to share my little world with everyone. I pondered over it the whole night and finally concluded that nothing could beat the passion I had for blogging.

And so here we are!

Let’s begin with a little introduction. Hi, I'm Petra, a mother of two beautiful little children. One boy and one girl. Never knew I could love somebody as unconditionally as I love them.

I was born and brought up in Portugal. While I now live in a beautiful house in Belgium, where every day, we create magic. The magic of love.

I have worked all my life in media, with a solid career in TV production.

But soon after marriage, I conceived, and the fears started creeping in. Would I be able to manage my career and kids? Will I be the mother who loves and supports her children every step of the way? Or will I be the mother who chooses her career first?

Do you know what I chose?

I chose to take the middle road — work on both my career as well as the kids. I wanted to prove the world wrong about how they think mothers are weak, or they don't have time, or they just give excuses for delay their dreams.

I soon sought an opportunity to create my babies and children’s brand, after seeing the lack of such brands and how expensive the ones already established were.

Ever since then, I wanted to start my blog, in collaboration with my baby brand that I had created with massive hard work and love for kids.

And after the longest of wait, I have finally started my blog. Here I plan to discuss what I am most passionate about – motherhood and female entrepreneurship.

Here you will be able to review inside’s about the children's brand that I own, opinions about other business ventures led by mothers, and last but not the least, my everyday adventures with my two bundles of joy or just as a woman.

The idea behind this blog is to share the daily grind a female entrepreneur and full-time mom goes through to achieve the life she has dreamt of.

I'm going to put up the good days and the bad, the days my children behaved well in public and also those where my little one threw a tantrum at the grocery store. The days I dealt things patience and days where I thought everything was slipping away.

I'm going to talk about the advantages of being your own boss and also the hurdles that it may throw your way.

I want to create a community for women, who can share their ideas, their goals, their shortcomings, and how they are planning to overcome them all. The idea is to create a platform where we can discuss and tackle the pressure our male-dominant society puts on women, and deal with it hand in hand, like a community.

I have tons of content that I can't wait to share with everyone. Whether we are talking about ideas for keeping the little ones busy, tasty food recipes, tips on following a healthy lifestyle, parenting 101, tips for organisation, personal development, this is going to be one hell of a journey which I'm sure you are going to enjoy as much as I do!

All I ask of you is to send me some support and love! Thank you!