Homemade Hummus

The recipe that I will share with you this week is Hummus. It’s so delicious, and I will be honest with you, I’ve tried several times to do one that I could say it was wonderful and I finally found it! That’s why arrived the moment to share with you!

But what is Hummus?

 is a Middle Eastern dip, spread, or savory dish made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. The standard garnish in the Middle East includes olive oil, a few whole chickpeas, parsley, and paprika.

In Middle Eastern cuisine, it is usually eaten as a dip, with pita bread. In the West, it is now produced industrially, and is often served as a snack or appetizer with crackers.

You can easily find it in supermarkets, canned Hummus, but I strongly advise you to do it at home, for several reasons. They are:

Delicious Hummus

Delicious Hummus

- It is made by you and at home

- Do you know exactly the type of ingredients you put

- It's super easy to do

- And you can do it in a healthy way

How to make the best Hummus ever?

Well, to start you’ll need chickpeas. They are the base on this recipe. You can use canned chickpeas, (like I did in this recipe) or you can do it with raw chickpeas. As you prefer.

Also, people stay with a doubt, if need it to peel the chickpeas or not. Well, you can do both ways. I prefer, and in this recipe, I peel the chickpeas, because the final result stay more consistent and smooth. The taste will be the same, just the consistency will be different.

And, do you know Tahini?

Tahini is made from sesame seeds that are soaked in water and then crushed to separate the bran from the kernels. And using tahini in this recipe, it will give you an incredible taste.

You can buy at the supermarket or you can do it yourself, which will be a future recipe that I will share with you! and, as far as I know, it’s super easy to do!

Now, let’s go straight to the recipe, and the step by step of this recipe.


As I said previously, I peeled the chickpeas, one by one, to give more consistency and it stays more smooth. The next step, is to put the Tahini with the lemon juice in the processor, and for put for 1m. With a spatula, scrape the sides and do 30 sec more. After you add the olive oil, garlic and a little spoon of cumin (the taste of this spice is something extraordinary) and salt. Process for 30 sec. Grab the spatula and scrape the sides again. Do it for more 30 sec in the processor.

It’s the moment to put the chickpeas, but put first just half and process for 1m. After you use again the spatula, add the other half and process for more 1m 30 sec. Add the Coconut milk (not Coconut cream) to make the hummus more creamy and consistent. Taste the final result and if you think need it more salt, put it a little bit more, as you prefer.

When it’s ready, I add more olive oil and fresh basil.

It’s so good! Enjoy and I hope you love it!


  • 250 grs of chickpeas

  • Lemon juice ( 1 large lemon)

  • 2 tbs of Tahini

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • 2 tbs of olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon of cumin

  • 3 tbs of Coconut Milk

  • Basil

  • Salt