How to be Confident on Camera?

Today, I will write about a subject that I couldn't see myself doing three years ago. That is being confident on camera. 

I have a confession to make. I had a phobia of cameras to make videos because I did not believe in myself, thinking that I would stay horrible on camera, being worried about what people would think and say, feeling insecure and vulnerable and many other things. 

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But here I am today. After struggling for years and doubting myself, I made videos and opened my channel to all of you, sharing my passions in life.

So, if you have a business or want to start one if you're going to share a passion that you have in life, video is the primary key to putting you out there and showing the world what you do. 

Especially nowadays, you have youtube videos, Instagram Stories, Facebook Lives, IGTV, and many others that you have in the market.

Sometimes we stay overwhelmed and unmotivated because we start to overthink, and fear starts to win our dreams.

But today, I will share with you five ways on how I could overcome all the fears that haunted me for years.

  • Read or hear powerful books.

For me, during years, I was listening to motivational and powerful books. And I can tell you they helped me a lot because they push me out of my comfort zone, and I was convincing myself day by day that I could do this! Also, reading these kinds of books opens you other doors to move forward with what you desire.

  • Talk with or to yourself.

When you are in the shower, you can do this in your car, when you are alone at home, in bed. Talking to yourself can help you be more comfortable when you need to speak in public, make a social media live, or record a video. 

Choose a topic that you are comfortable with or like to talk about it and just start. When you begin to listen yourself more and more times, you will get used to it, and it will not be weird when arrives the moment to put you on camera. One of my favorite exercises is speaking with the mirror. I look to myself, speak, laugh, see all the expressions that I can do with my face, and like that, I will be more natural on camera because I'm not any more concerned about how I'm going to stay on camera.

  • Find your own space.

For me, the only time that I find myself able to film myself and start to record is in the kitchen. When I need to prepare dinner, I just start talking in front of my mobile and talk. 

And then, it's funny to see me. Sometimes I'm laughing at what I did or said because my kids came and asked me a question or because I just made a funny face while I was recording. But that's ok. I can see how I stay naturally, and the most important being myself.

You can always find time for this, and the preparation of meals is not boring :D

  • Practice a lot

Like everything in life, if you practice many times in something, it will be so easy when you arrive at the moment to do it! 

Set your camera, lights (if you have natural light better), and let's rock and roll. 

Just talk about a subject you like and look at the camera like a friend of yours. The point here is just to speak fluently. After watching the video (and don't be so harsh on yourself, please), be gentle with yourself and see where you can improve. 

For example, when I was practicing, I could see that I speak a lot with my hands, as you can see in my youtube channel, I guess :), but that's ok, and I feel comfortable doing it!

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  • Have a plan and a teleprompter if possible

I know many people say to do it without a teleprompter because it will stress you more, or you cannot find an excellent way to work with a teleprompter, but in my case, I feel comfortable with that! And that's ok! Just because experts saying not to, you don't need to stop doing it!

You need to plan your videos so, like that, you'll not feel overwhelmed when you don't have the things done and ready.

For me, for example, I have a Blog too, which one of my posts I turned into a video, so it's no problem for me to write and also put on a teleprompter, and sometimes I improvise and say what comes to my mind, so I don't follow 100% the teleprompter.

And yes, you can be natural with this (teleprompter) little extra help.

These are my main advice to be comfortable on camera and smash it! 

Another thing that I do before the video is dance. I listen to energetic music that makes me feel happy and free, and I just dance! Life is beautiful, don't forget!

Lots of love