Book Review - Marie Forleo "Everything is figureoutable."

This month I will review a great book from Marie Forleo "Everything is figureoutable." I will start by saying, the book is truly amazing! I advise you to read it! It's powerful, motivating, and challenges you too! So, you don't have excuses to say no to this one!

What is the goal of this book? As the book's title says, the goal is to show that everything you want in life is possible!

It can be business, can be relationships, can even be a personal goal that you want to achieve badly!

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When something goes out of your plans, instead of saying that everything is lost or I can't achieve my goal anymore, try to say everything is figureoutable, and you will feel amazing! I'm not joking. It truly is powerful!

Marie Forleo mentioned this in the book, to repeat time after time the sentence. When I did, it works! I felt full of power, energy, and with a feeling of conquering the world! And the good thing is, you really can conquer the world! You need to believe!

The book is divide into ten chapters, and in each chapter, Marie Forleo shares real stories and how to overcome certain obstacles in life.

1 - The Tropicana Orange

Here, Marie Forleo shares a personal story, and with this story came the idea for the title of this book!

2 - Your Road Map to Results

If you want to achieve all your goals in your life, you need to change a few things first. Stop complaining about all the things. Stop seeing all the time the negative side.

You need to train your brain to improve and grow and be open to connecting and learning from others.

You need to change your way of thinking, see the side of positivity, and learn how to be more productive even if you think you cannot do new challenges.

3 - The Magic of Believe

Do you know the little voice that we all have inside of us, but most of the time, we ignore or don't listen with good hears? Well, it's just one of the stories that Marie Forleo share in the book! It sounds crazy, but it's not. It drives you where you should be. You need to figure out how and where to go!

You need to believe in yourself, and follow your dreams and never, never give up!

4 - Eliminate Excuses

We often excuse ourselves for not doing x or y tasks that we want to do for a long time. Marie Forleo gives an example of getting up from bed to do our exercise and meditation, but how many times we say to ourselves, "just 5 minutes more." and then we don't do what we want to do during the day. So many inspirational stories that Marie Forleo shares that after you listening or read the book, you'll say, "no more excuses!!!"

5 - How to Deal with the Fear of Anything

Don't let fear steal your dreams! How many times we want to do something, but we start to think in too many things and begin to think that we're going to fail, and because of that, we froze and don't do anything? A lot of times! But one thing I love to hear in this chapter is to know that fear is our friend because it drives us to excitement when we're taking action!

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6 - Define your Dream

Everything is in our minds, but we need to know what we want to be!

When we are little, we want to be many things, but we discover later what is our purpose for most people.

Defining our dream in our heads, it's a tremendous start, but of course, it's not easy to put in reality, but when we want a thing so badly, we just need to give baby steps, organize and less than we expect the door will open without you realize.

Know what you want and conquer the world!

7 - Start Before you're Ready

Don't wait to start a thing when you're ready. Start when you're not ready, and I can relate to this because I start my Blog and Youtube Channel without being prepared! And here I am, continue my journey, happy and full of confidence. And yes, I want to change a few things, and I will step by step, but the most important I start, and I'm so happy to do that!

We will always give excuses not to start yet, putting all the time obstacles and stay in our comfort zone! So, do it, and when you are in, you'll be unstoppable.

8 - Progress Not Perfection

I can say to you that I'm a perfectionist, and for many years I had this idea to create a blog and a Youtube Channel, but I was always saying that I still miss some things and still not perfect as I want to. But the truth was I was consumed by fear. Fear of rejection, fear to speak because of my English, fear of failing, I was paralyzed.

Here, Marie Forleo, motivate you to give you the jump!

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9 - Refuse to be Refused

Many people will tell you that your dreams and ideas will not go anywhere, and most of the time, we believe them and stop doing the things that we love.

But the thing is, if you love and honestly believe in your dreams, give everything that you have and go for it!

Don't let them affect what they are thinking or saying about what you want to follow in your life. YOU are the most important in YOUR life.

10 - The World Needs Your Special Gift

Marie Forleo says that everyone has a special gift to the world. We need to discover it! In my opinion, I believe we all are unique and have something special to share with the world.

We tend to believe that you'll not conquer that place waiting for you because X or Y are doing the same thing! But you're wrong, You is You, and your voice is unique! I tried to believe this for years, and now, I can see perfectly Marie is so right! Show the passion, love, and good energy on what you love doing are all you need to succeed!

I hope this was enough to know that it is the perfect book to read or listen and if you still have doubt, reread this post! Believe me. It's worth it!

I wish you all the luck in life, and let's conquer the world!

Lots of love!