How I Became a Morning Person (and you can too)

Some people are night owls, some people are morning larks, but everyone can benefit from waking up early and being productive. If you've tried to make a change in your life and have grown too tired of your current routine, try waking up earlier!

The key to success is planning ahead for success. A great time to start is the weekend — it's less scary than trying something new during the week! Then, the next day, create a plan that will help you increase your productivity levels and then stick with it all week long.

Photo by Babumon PT on Unsplash

Photo by Babumon PT on Unsplash

A morning person is someone who wakes up early and thrives in the mornings. They wake up energized and are full of energy to get ready for the day like they've done this a million times before. A morning person always starts their day off on a positive note, focuses hard during activities that require attention, and takes advantage of those few moments when they can just sit back and relax, knowing that things will get better as the days progress. They are also more likely to have friends or partners who early risers because it's easier for people to connect in these moments.

7 top tips to be a Morning Person

Lately, it feels like your body clock is conspiring with the world's most annoying alarm to ruin your mornings. Wake-up shhh! Wake-up!

But it doesn't have to be a losing battle, and we might just have the right wake-up call for you. Trust us, these tips will have you feeling refreshed and ready to take on anything — even Monday morning.

1) Avoid introducing liquids after 8pm

Drinking water before bed can cause interrupted sleep patterns or night sweats, depending on what chemicals are in your water and how sensitive you are to them. However, fluids consumed during the day or earlier than 8pm should be acceptable. Of course, you can drink a tea after 8pm, I do, but what specialists recommend is not to drink loads of water li

2) Take a nap

A 20-30 minute nap will gently wake you up without the jolt of a hefty coffee. It also improves your mood and chances of hitting REM sleep, the state of dreaming sleep. This will leave you dizzy but refreshed

3) Don't give up

Sleep deprivation and that second cup of coffee have been linked to cognitive decline, so don't give up the cuppa just yet. If you've tried all three tips above and find yourself still tired in the afternoon, then switch to decaf or water instead...

4) Keep your regular routine

Your body can adapt to changes in routine after a while and could even make you feel more tired than usual at certain times

5) Wake up at the same time every day

You wake up naturally when your alarm goes off, so keep it consistent. Just like the sunrise, your body will sense what time to wake up and will go into a run-for-the-dawn state...

6) Keep a sleep diary

Make sure you write down everything that goes on during the night. Maybe it was a late night at the bar or an emotional breakthrough that led to staying awake into the small hours of the morning. Your body clock is also affected by many other factors that could affect your sleep pattern.

7) Eat breakfast

Studies have shown eating breakfast helps set your body clock in motion and protects against weight gain.

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

These are 7 ways that I learned when I decided to be a morning person or starting to be one!

Like I said in my last blog post, I define myself both ways. I mean morning and night person, because sometimes I have loads of work and I stay until late working, but if you ask me which one I prefer, definitely I will reply to you, I like being a morning person. Because I will feel full of energy for the rest of the day, it makes me feel so good.

But I need to listen to my body, primarily when I work until late, I'm tired, and I stay a little more in bed, and I learned not to feel guilty about it!

For example, one thing that I do when I don't wake up early to do my exercise is meditation! It's so good for your mind, body. It will keep you calm and motivated for the rest of the day.

I listen to a lot of times, like "I can't get up early, I love staying in bed," or "I tried several times, but I can't." Well, you can, and it's possible! A lot of people ask if it is possible to be a morning person?

Well, the chances of becoming a morning person may seem slim, but the success stories of people who have done just that prove otherwise. People often claim to be a morning person, and when pressed for further evidence, they will point to their early wake-up time. However, this is not the definition of what it means to be a morning person.

There are several reasons why the morning is preferred by people. The first and most common reason is that people's weekends start off on Monday. Morning people like to start their day early to sleep in again if a big test is the following day. They also want to savor a weekend without having to do anything on the weekend, which is unrealistic since everyone has an unpredictable schedule at some point in their lives. The morning person will also have more interest in the things going on with other family members, friends, coworkers, or whatever else might be happening that afternoon or evening.

However, some people are not morning persons, and they prefer not being seen that way either. And that's ok! It's you that decided after you tried several times not to be a night person!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post as much as I did writing it, and I will see you next week!

Lots of love