How to Create MORE Time

Time is one of the most valuable assets we have. And sadly, most people can't seem to get enough of it. But is it always the case? What if there was a way to create more time? If that sounds like a fantasy, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that it is possible.

Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash

We'll tell you about the three approaches you can do just that. And even if this doesn't immediately change your view on time, it will give you some idea of what else to consider when looking for ways to use your time more effectively and positively. 1. How to create more time after you wake up

It's unusual to consider the morning as a "window of opportunity," – but limiting it is one of the biggest mistakes. Studies have shown that people who make morning coffee a ritual, get out of bed, watch the sunrise and enjoy a cup before they head off to work experience more energy throughout the day – and are more productive. And of course, there are advantages to having everything done before you go to work. Experts at one of the world's biggest companies, Google, had found that 66% of all employees spent their commute time "wasted" and that there was a considerable decrease in productivity when they used their commute as "an opportunity for self-doubt and negative thinking." 

If you want to be more productive, give yourself less to do. And the way you can do that is by eliminating non-essential tasks and delegating them to others. We feel much better when we know we are working towards a greater purpose. That should be a vital element of every task you take on, whether for your good or someone else's. It's also worth remembering that working hard doesn't necessarily mean that you are being productive – and in fact, you will be more effective if you work smart. 3. How to create more time in your personal life

When you spend a lot of time thinking about your priorities and how to satisfy them to the maximum, time ceases to be a problem. The more we can accomplish, the more we feel our lives have been worthwhile. That is one of the main reasons why many people work. And it is why hobbies are so important to us. They allow us to stop thinking about the same things and instead try new things. It's certainly challenging to have time for everything we want to do. But there are several ways to use your time wisely and effectively – here are some of them: 1. Make it a priority

It all starts with setting a definite goal. If you spend time on this and dedicate yourself to it, you will achieve tremendous results. This does not mean that you stop working on starting instead – quite the contrary is true.

Be the master of your time

We do not have much time. We are not just running out of time, but we are running out of time that can be spent in our day job, personal lives, and other areas. If you want to see that your life pushes forward on a path intended to go, it depends on how you spend your days, weeks, and years. Many of us do not realize that time is one of the most precious things we have, so we do not see the need to manage it correctly. If you think that time management is only applicable to businesses and people with demanding jobs, you are mistaken. It applies to anyone who wants to advance their lives in any way. It is not just about work and career advancement, but it can also be about personal improvement and quality time with family. Time is one of the most valuable things we have, and it is essential for those who work. Those who work for companies with free meals and free food or benefits of some other kind are not working for a living but are usually doing something else like sitting on social media or playing games. Those who do not understand the value of time abandon their jobs because they do not know why they need to be there and how to use their time wisely.

When I became a mother, I didn't want to give up on my dreams, and we shouldn't, and I was doing everything wrong concerning time because I was not creating a balance to be at work and be with family. But I found it hard to understand how to create a balance between family and career because I had no experience with this. It was hard for me until a few years ago when I started to watch videos and read books about the importance of managing time. Then, finally, I could see a simple but very clear way so that even I understood the value of time. It helped me understand all the benefits of time management and how it would help me in every area of my life. 

3 Steps to be more effective of your time

It can be hard to find time in the day to finish all of your professional and personal tasks, so we put together these 3 steps to create more time. Our goal is for you to take back control of your schedule, freeing up space for what's essential and effective.

Step 1: Eliminate Time Wasters

Take a look at what you're spending most of your time on. These are the activities that you don't need to spend time doing or could be delegated to someone else. They're time-wasters. Every moment spent on these activities is valuable time lost, hours spent doing things that do not add value to your life or career.

Time wasters can take many forms. Some examples are social media, surfing websites unrelated to your work, television, and email (checking but composing). How many do you fill with these time-wasters if you think of all the other things you could do with your time?

Step 2: Accumulate Free Time

Instead of wasting time on time wasters, establish a framework for building a reserve of free time. You can do this in one of two ways. The first way is to create a specific block of free time in your calendar for various activities. This will give you a particular slot of time to work on other activities that you want but don't have time for.

The second way is to schedule working time into your calendar and then block off the rest of the time as free time. This way is maybe more helpful if you aren't sure what your free time will be used. If you choose the first option, make sure to set aside a block of time for each of your free activities. Then, you will see how many free hours are left in your calendar.

Step 3: Accumulate Unwanted Things

The third step is related to the second one. It is vital to keep track of everything you don't want or need. We suggest using a mobile app that allows you to scan and upload receipts, such as Pockets or Clear. Even if you are very organized, some things can fall through the cracks. Therefore, it is crucial to have a system for maintaining a list of things that you don't want or need. You may want to use the lists we have created here: The Ultimate Productivity List and The Productivity Buddy List.

Start by listing down everything that you don't need or want anymore. You can make a good list of certain things, but it will be difficult to remember them all over time.

Hope it was helpful for you this blog post

See you next week

Lots of Love