Black Beans Burger

Hello! Do you want to learn how to make a mouth-watering Black Beans Burger? This post is for you. My incredible Black Beans Burger recipe has been a long time in the making, but with just a little patience and persistence, it's finally here. Are you ready? Let's get started.

We immediately think of burgers in meat, but burgers can be delicious with just vegetables or legumes. This Black Beans Burger recipe is one of my favorites because you get the best of both worlds – an excellent taste and the health benefits of beans. It's also very filling since it has a lot of protein and contains no saturated fat.

I love creating creative recipes, which means I sometimes don't follow the same procedures to make something every single time. For example, we usually buy ground meat to make burgers because it's so economical than buying ground meat separately. I bought some ground meat for this recipe, but it just didn't seem to work out. The burgers I made were way too flat. It was a hilarious show; what happens when the burger patty gets on the ground (after more than one step)? Then, you can imagine what it looks like. So I suggest you buy your meat locally and grind it yourself. 

Benefits of Black Beans

I want to tell you how many benefits black beans offer in this blog post. They are loaded with fiber, low in calories and sodium, have a good source of protein, and contain antioxidants. Black beans also taste delicious!

Black beans can be used to make tasty dishes like black bean soup but can also be eaten as is. You can have them in salads, tortillas or incorporate them into your recipes. Or black bean nachos! So good!

They are also suitable for you physically. Black beans contain potassium and magnesium, so they are great for cell regeneration, skin health, and heart health. In addition, they have a good source of protein and unsaturated fat – which is great for your cholesterol levels. Black beans are also high in dietary fiber, which is excellent for your digestive health.

Black beans are low in calories which is great for people who want to lose weight. They may even help you control your weight as they have a good source of satiety which makes you feel fuller for longer

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, eating a healthy diet has been shown to reduce heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, so eating black beans can reduce cholesterol levels and make you feel fuller for longer. Black beans are also low in sodium which is great for your heart. They are also a good source of antioxidants which you need to protect your body from free radicals that can cause aging and cancer.

Black beans are a very versatile vegetable too. You can eat them raw or cooked, so they are great to incorporate into your diet all the time.

What I use in this recipe

Onion and garlic - I love to put them together. They combine very well together, and they give a really nice flavor.

Olive oil - I cook with olive oil, onion, and garlic together. So delicious.

Egg - I use one medium egg. It will help you form the black bean burger.

Flour - you can use the flour that you prefer, but in this recipe, I used white flour, type 65. It also will help you to give the black bean burger consistency.

Spices - I love to use all kinds of herbs in my recipes. But in this one, I used garlic powder, ginger, cumin, and paprika. Altogether, it will give a really lovely flavor.

About this recipe

First of all, cut a medium onion into small pieces and garlic cloves. Then, put it in a frying pan with oil, and you can add the onion and garlic until it turns yellow. When it's ready, you can set it aside.

Then grind the beans until it becomes a paste. Then, add the cooked onion and garlic, the crushed beans, the garlic powder, ginger, sweet pepper, and a little cumin in a bowl. To finish, the beaten egg and the flour. It wraps very well.

After everything is well mixed, it's time to shape the beans into a hamburger shape. If you need more flour, you can add a little more to make the process easier.

When you're done, let it rest for 30m. Afterward, you can put it in a fig tree and start cooking. Then, when it's ready, you can serve! It is so good!

I hope you like it.

See you next week

Lots of love


  • 1 onion (medium)

  • 5 garlic cloves

  • 1 tbs of garlic powder

  • 1 tbs of ginger

  • 1 tbs of paprika

  • 1 teaspoon of cumin

  • Black Beans (830 grs)

  • 1 egg

  • 2 tbs flour - type 65