How to take control of your life when things don't go as planned

Maybe you didn't get accepted to the university you wanted, or possibly your application to be in a reality show was rejected, or you just lost your job (if you like it or not). Whatever it is that's made life feel a little unfair, I understand you. But now it's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and turn those frowns upside-down!

Realize – this is part of the journey. You can't change the outcome, but you can learn how to handle the situation.

This blog post is about life in general! If you have a problem, solve it! Learn from your mistakes and try again. Be proactive and learn from your mistakes rather than waiting for things to go wrong before making a move. Sometimes we need a reminder that the things that make us feel down in the dumps are only temporary and that there is always a silver lining!

Here are three steps t to get back on your feet when your life doesn't go as planned.

1 - Take action

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash 

If you don't do anything, nothing will ever change. The first step to solving any problem is to take action - this is true for all situations in life. If you lose your job, you choose to wallow in self-pity, waiting for things to get better or taking action and finding a new one.

We wait for things to go right, but when nothing seems to be happening, we just give up and sit in a corner.

In my experience, the people who have worked hard for success have taken action and overcome obstacles and are the happiest people in life.

For example, I did not renovate my contract this month. And then I thought, "I'm not going to get another job." So I was a little bit confused about what I'm going to do in the future (I spent 13 years of my life in the company). But then I realized that it's not the end of the world if I don't have a job.

Realize that you don't need a job to survive, and take action by doing things you enjoy. For example, I started my blog when I had my full-time job. It gave me so much pleasure to do something that I wanted, and it made me see that we can do things that we love and have an income.

2 - Give up the negative

If your boss is unreasonable and you think that no one will be able to help you, remember that there is always one other person who can make a difference. So give up the belief that everything will stay the same. Instead of basing your happiness on a job or money, base it on health, relationships, and learning new things.

It's easy to see how money makes us happy when we see someone else receiving it or experiencing it for the first time. As human beings, we want to be happy and want others around us to be happy. If you don't have anything, you are lacking. If you give up the belief that money can make you happy and realize there is something else besides money that can make you happy, things will change.

3 - Accept that life is hard sometimes

You can't keep living the same miserable way of life if things don't go your way. Everyone has a different approach to getting through life, and there is no one right way of handling things. The realization that there will always be bumps in the road and that it's okay to have a bad day or two is what helps us deal with stressful situations in life. There will always be things that take time to get used to, such as the weather, language, or country. If you have lived in the same place for a long time, it will feel like home and second nature. It takes time to adjust to a new place, so you shouldn't expect to forget about your old country after staying in a new one for some time, and I know what I'm talking about because I lived for 13 years in Belgium.

As I am getting older, I realize that life is not easy, and sometimes things are not meant as what we expected them to be. Accepting it will make things so much easier.

But at the end of the day, all you have to do is keep changing and adapting.

You always have a choice

Remember, you always have a choice. 

Do you want to be miserable or happy? That is the question. You always have a choice in life, so make the best out of it if things don't go your way. Make the most out of everything you do and learn from your mistakes.

I also learned to be grateful for what I have rather than wishing for something else. We can always find the positive in any situation and remember that we are all blessed with different skills and talents

One of the things that I do is to have my daily journal and write down what I did during the day—also, writing to myself on paper what I need to give the next step. It feels so good. It really does.

Here you can have an example of a simple journal that you can implement in your daily life.

Lots of love