How to Form a New Habit

We all have habits in our lives! Some good, other bad, but we have them.

But if we see deep, most of the population in the world have bad habits, and it's so easy to stick to them. So, why are good habits hard to stay? We make this so hard, and the worst is, we know that it is good for us in terms of health, happiness, or success! 

That's why today I want to talk about how to form a new habit and a good one and stick to it!

What do we do in the morning, every single time? We wake up, take a shower, brush our teeth, take breakfast. That is a routine that we created; it's a habit. And to make a new habit, we need to start small, step by step, because if we start all in, we'll never stay stick to it. Because we are not used to it. 

We all wanted it, for sure, that things should be automatic. Just push a button, and all the things are done. 

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Like losing weight or eating healthily, exercising, drinking more water, or whatever you want to change, people like to have results or things faster.

For example, drinking water was hard to stick for me. What I did was, every morning, I was drinking water until I reach 1L before breakfast. I keep doing it every day, and today, I'm not able to eat breakfast if I don't drink my water before. 

I read a lot about this for an entirely of time, and I followed a few steps to insert in my life good and healthy habits every day. 

And I want to share with you which ones worked and work with me because if I can do it, you can do it too!

Here are a few tips for creating good habits that can work quickly for you and making them stick.

1 - Start Small

Never start a new habit all in because easily you will give up. You will think it's hard to make that new habit, and in the end, you will go to your old habits. For example, if you want to start doing exercise in the morning as a habit, do it just for 15m and keep it for a while and begin to increase the time. It will reach a moment that you can do more and more.

2 - Define a Date

If you don't set a date, you will always postpone the moment you want to make some changes in your life. So, set a date and do reminders to put in your head that you will be 100% committed to your goal. For example, put reminders in the fridge, in your bathroom, bedroom, whatever you think will work for you, and it will help you remind you all the time you need to do.

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3 - Commit for a certain time

Some people say 21 days to set a new and good habit. Others say 30 days or maybe others will say another thing.

But, like I say all the time, stick to a period that suits you better, and you feel good about it. That's the most important.

For example, When I decided to include exercise in my life, I did it for 30 days. For me, it was enough to fit my new habit in my life.

Today, exercise is everything to me, and it's not just to define my body or get in shape because I feel good about it, with loads of energy, and I start the day happy.

4 - Accept your Imperfections  

When we start to include a new habit, we think immediately that we need to do it perfectly without any mistake. But it's wrong because it's one of the ways that we give up easily. 

We think since we don't do properly, that we are failing.

But it's not true. Don't forget that you are starting and making mistakes. It's normal. 

For example, you want to drink more water, like 3l per day, and drink just 2l. That's ok! If you continue, sooner or later, you will start to drink 3l, without notice. Keep going!

5 - Find support

It can be your husband, your Mother, your best friend that can support you in this journey.

Having someone that follows you, you will be more motivated, without excuses to give, because you will have someone at your back, not letting you give up.

And if they know that you are really committed to change the bad for a good habit, not only will they support you and giving you moral support, but most important, it will make you feel so good.

6 - Reward Yourself

When I say reward yourself, it's not to go immediately to your bad habits, like eating crap, drinking alcohol. If you do that, you will feel happy, you will have fun, but you will feel twice as bad afterward at the end of the day.

So reward yourself with a healthy habit. For example, delicious and healthy ice cream, a new book, or buy new equipment for your exercise, or go to the beach and enjoy the excellent weather, drinking a tasty smoothie (if the weather allows, of course).

We tend to define rewards with bad habits, but healthy is even a better reward. Believe me!

These tips work very well, and you also need to believe in them! It's crucial to believe what you are doing. Otherwise, if you don't, you will stop in the middle of the process at a particular moment. 

Stick to them, and you will see a massive difference in your life. Personally, professionally. You will feel happier with yourself!

So, you go, and the only way is: success!

Lots of love