How to stop being lazy and get more work done

Laziness is a serious issue that can significantly negatively impact your work life and many other aspects of your life. Here are some ways to avoid laziness, get more work done, and make progress in all areas of life. 

1. Distracting yourself

Distractions are a great way to distract yourself from not working. One common way of doing this is browsing the internet or watching television. Taking breaks can be helpful but make sure you don't let it get out of control. Breaking every hour is okay, but if you do it every 15 minutes or so, it will quickly become a problem and may leave you with little time for work and no progress made at all.

2. Procrastinating

Procrastination is a severe problem for many people and can have potentially deadly consequences. Procrastinating can be dangerous because it prevents you from making any actual progress. For example, you may have plans to work on something, but then you get sidetracked by something else that seems more important at the time.

3. Self-doubt

Everyone gets self-doubt sometimes, but it is possible to overdo it. This is dangerous because it can make you avoid working on projects due to self-doubt, making you believe that you won't be able to do it. So, rather than spend time on your mistakes, you may spend time on other stuff and never work on your project.

4. Perfectionism

It's great to strive for excellence, but there is a limit, and many people need help understanding that. Some people let their perfectionism get out of control, which can become a serious problem. Perfectionism can make you miss deadlines and can even make you avoid working on a project more than once. This is common in people who have little self-confidence.

5. Lack of motivation

Having no motivation is something that can have a very negative impact on your work life. It can also affect other aspects of life, such as health and fitness. Motivation is necessary for success; you need it to get things done in any area of your life.

6. Fear of failure

Everyone has a fear of failure, and this is perfectly normal. However, some people allow this fear of failure to get out of control and can impact their work life negatively. If your fear of failure means that you cannot finish projects or that you give up before even starting, then it will be a big problem.

7. Relying on others too much

It's great to rely on others, but you should only rely on them a little. This can become a problem because you need to do something yourself and wait for others to do things for you. Even if someone helps you get the job done, you still have to contribute a lot of effort, which means it is still vital for both of you to get the work done correctly.

8. Not accepting criticism

Criticism is something that everyone has to deal with from time to time, and it can be a good thing. However, you may start avoiding your work if you cannot accept negative feedback. This is dangerous because people won't give you the feedback you want and may even be afraid of hurting your feelings.

While some people can become lazy and not do anything at all, others will still try to get things done but fail. Suppose you are like this. It will be essential to recognize the things that cause your laziness and try to avoid them as much as possible. The best way to get over your issues is to stop and realize when you are becoming lazy.

Now, you want to know how to stop being lazy to have more work done. It's easy! For the 8 points that I mentioned, do the opposite, like:

1. The opposite of Distracting Yourself - Block times for every scheduled task of your day, and after, you will have the time for your favorite distractions! You'll feel proud of yourself for putting your priority tasks first.

2. The opposite of Procrastination - do it now, take action without overthinking! One of my favorite ways to do something is the simple strategy of Mel Robbins. Count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and go, put yourself out!

3. The opposite of Self-doubt - Give time for yourself. Work on yourself constantly! It can be in exercise, a healthy lifestyle, or meditation. Whatever it is, just put yourself first! You will see a massive difference in the way you think about yourself!

4. The opposite of Perfectionism - don't overthink, start, take action, and if you think you could do better, DO! We grow every time we start something! So every day will be better and better!

5. The opposite of Lack of motivation - you don't need motivation every day. You need good habits! Habits like brushing your teeth every single day.

6. The opposite of the fear of failure - If you don't put yourself out there, you will never fail, which means you will never learn from your mistakes, and mistakes are lessons that help us to do better and grow.

7. The opposite of Relying on others too much - it's good to have help from others. We all need it sometimes, but remember, you have results when all the effort and work comes from you. Imagine how you would feel. Just think about it!

8. The opposite of Not accepting criticism - it's good when we start t learn and listen to the criticism from others because that can help us grow and correct a few mistakes that we are making and learn so much about them. You need to see them as benefits for the success of your business! 

I hope this was helpful to you, and if you have had problems with being too lazy or have other questions, please feel free to comment below.

See you next week