How To Turn Awkwardness Into Confidence

One of the most common questions I see is how to overcome awkwardness and turn it into confidence. When you're shy, introverted, or just in a rut, it can feel like there's an invisible hurdle that's preventing you from becoming more confident.

So I'm going to share the exact thing that has helped me turn awkwardness into confidence.

This is by no means the only way, but I promise it's a sure-fire way.

Focus on being faithful and consistent with your own actions.

The most significant difference between confident people and shy people is their consistency. What does that mean? It means living by your own values. If you say you believe in honesty, then don't be dishonest. If you say, you'd like to start dating or going to parties, then go out and do it! This will show others that you are acting in your values, giving them confidence in your decisions and actions.

In the same way, when you're trying to overcome awkwardness, be faithful and consistent with your actions. If you tell yourself that you'll go to parties and then don't show up, it will look like you're not acting in your values. This can cause others (and maybe even you!) to shut down or start doubting yourself.

Just be respectful.

How do you fake confidence in social situations?

Social anxiety is very common and one of the most debilitating forms of mental illness. It's trying to find acceptance in social situations, where you might be reminded that you're different, that makes it all the more difficult. The initial step to overcoming social anxiety is just to confront your fear and not ignore it, but what happens when you do? How can you fake confidence in social situations? Overcoming social anxiety requires a lot of hard work, but one way I've found helpful is by using apps like HelloTalk or Wyzka for texting conversations with people who have been put under a similar situation as yours.

The reason these apps are that your conversations can be recorded, shared and monitored to help you overcome your fear of rejection and just express yourself. By recording your conversations, you can listen to them later, which will help you find out what was making you anxious to avoid to make the same mistake in the future. With a little more confidence and self-esteem, it will only get easier from there.

But remember one thing, you don't need to pretend to be someone else, act, or fascinate anyone with a personality performance — you can pretend to be confident and still stay true to yourself.

I will give you some ways that I found easy for me when I meet new people, go to dinner, or a party or other event.

If you need to look more confident in any situation, here's what you can do. Well, at least that is what I do.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

  1. Smile - I always smile. I love to smile, and it's part of my personality. So, I don't force myself to smile concerning the situation. But what I read is that it will give you confidence and professionalism if you smile. So, I'm happy with that! So whether you're in a social or professional event, it's always a good idea to smile. But, make sure it's sincere and your smile isn't so fake.

  2. Wear clothes that are flattering to your figure - Clothes flattering to your figure can make you feel more confident and more attractive. For many people, one of the most complex parts of dressing is choosing flattering clothes, and there's a lot of pressure to dress fashionably. As a woman, I love clothes (well I think all woman loves) and I try to choose clothes that I feel comfortable with and like to see on me. For example, I love long dresses, I feel great in them, and I wear long dresses that shorter because I don't like my legs so much (but that's another thing).

  3. Stand up straight - Your body language will say so much about you. If you stand up straight, you will tell people that you're confident with yourself and feel comfortable on your own skin! I remembered a few years ago, my husband was looking at me, and I asked what?. He said that I was seated so straight that it seems like I had a broom in my back.

  4. Walk with confidence, and try not to make eye contact with anyone - When you walk straight, you will show confidence. I usually don't like to look into people's eyes when I'm walking because I will lose my confidence immediately. So, when I walk and need to pass through a considerable amount of people, I focus on my thoughts, and I'm ok!

  5. Remember that the future is unwritten and that you have control over it - visualize how you'll act if things go according to plan, then visualize how it might go wrong and how you'll respond without getting upset about it. It's so much easier. And I will tell you something, now I'm much better. Otherwise, I was not doing these videos and sharing them with you. But before, I was so incredibly insecure with my acts, what I was saying, that I preferred to stay quiet in my corner. I'm still not 100%, but definitely, I'm much better!

I want to share this with you today, and I always love to share here with you. If you're going to add something or what you think about this blog post, just share in the comments. I would love that from you!

Lots of love