Have you have Lack of Confidence?

Many of us can relate to the feeling of lacking confidence, whether in ourselves or in our abilities. It's a common problem that leaves many people feeling they're not good enough and not worthy of success. Sadly, this lack of confidence can negatively affect everything from decisions at work to interactions with friends and family.

Imposter Syndrome is the feeling of having to constantly prove yourself. It's a term coined to describe the feeling of being a fraud, pretending to be someone you're not to hide the fact that you don't think your natural talents and abilities are pretty good enough. No matter how much success you have, this feeling can make you feel inadequate and cause you to doubt your ability and even question your own self-worth as a person.

Gretchen Rubin, author of "The Happiness Project," gives some great advice on how to improve both on your confidence levels and how to help yourself overcome imposter syndrome:

"Think about what it is about yourself that other people find less than admirable…Then think about what you appreciate about yourself."

Photo by Jacqueline Day on Unsplash

The thought of doing this might seem completely counter-intuitive, but it can really help. By accepting your most significant flaw, you allow yourself to love the other things about yourself. And if you can't accept them, no one else will be able to either. When people know what your flaw is, they'll dismiss you much quicker than they would otherwise.

What causes a lack of confidence?

You may think lack of confidence is about thinking you're not good enough, but that's actually a secondary symptom. Lack of self-confidence is actually a result of self-doubt and anxiety — and it's essential to know the difference.

If you're wondering how to boost your confidence, start with reading this post on what causes a lack of self-confidence and how it can affect your life.

Self-doubt is when you question your own abilities.

You get self-doubt when you're worried about being good enough and whether you measure up to the people around you. You can lack confidence because of a lack of skills or expertise or outside influence. For example, maybe you think other people are more intelligent, faster, more talented, or just plain better than you at everything.

When this happens, your self-confidence suffers, and it becomes difficult to believe in yourself.

Anxiety is when your thoughts are racing a million miles an hour.

You experience anxiety when you're so upset about a particular situation that you can't think straight.

It’s a long way, but never doubt in yourself!Photo by Jonathan Klok on Unsplash

It’s a long way, but never doubt in yourself!

Photo by Jonathan Klok on Unsplash

For example, you may worry about what others think of you, or even if they find out about mistakes you've made. You may be too focused on things that aren't real or not focus enough on the kind of person that makes your life better.

When this happens, your anxiety increases, and it affects your ability to function correctly. This is because it takes up all of your mental energy without allowing any room for anything else to get through.

Lack of confidence is not the same as lack of self-confidence. Lack of confidence means there's something wrong with your actions and the way you perform tasks.

How can Improve my Confidence?

Confidence is one of those things that many people struggle with. It can be tough to shake off past mistakes and put on a happy face when you aren't feeling your best. Nonetheless, it's a challenge worth tackling, as confidence greatly influences your professional and personal life.

To make the journey easier here's some helpful advice for how to improve your confidence! It may not change the fact that you lack self-esteem now, but it will help you get back on track by ensuring your future prospects are brighter and more achievable than they otherwise would have been.

  1. Get enough sleep - Sleep deprivation leads to impaired concentration which affects memory performance.

  2. Stand up straight - Posture influences mood. If you don't feel good about yourself, your body language will reflect it. Poor posture can also contribute to back pain and a tired-looking face.

  3. Improve your posture - Learn exercises for good posture! The more confident you look, the more confident you will feel!

  4. Be kind to others - treat others as you wish to be treated. How would someone sure of themselves act? Be that person.

  5. Don't let misfortunes bring down your self-esteem - You're only human. Accidents happen, and sometimes things don't go as planned. Sometimes life just sucks. So what? Move on and try again. You are not your past mistakes.

  6. Be yourself - Your true self. Nobody else can be you, and it's okay to be different.

  7. Flatter people - You're always nicer to nice people.

  8. Have unrealistic expectations - Dreams don't come true overnight. Things take time, even if they look easy to achieve at first. Just do a little every day and start with the small things!

  9. If you make a promise, keep it - Do not keep your word later if you change your mind. It feels better at the end when all is said and done.

  10. Keep going even when the going gets tough - The moment you stop is the moment you hit rock bottom.

Still today, I'm learning and putting these tips into practice because sometimes I lack confidence, and that's okay! But one thing I know, even when I have my worst days, I keep going, and I don't allow myself to give up!

I love to share and "talk" with you, and I hope this post helped you somehow.

Lots of love