How you can organize your IG Stories? - Part 1

Let's talk about one of my favorite platforms of social media: Instagram. Do you have Instagram Stories? Do you struggle to keep up with them? 

Well, I did when I started with Instagram. But, I didn't know what to put in my stories, and I was constantly thinking about what I should post. But the good thing is, there are many ways to organize your Instagram Stories so you can keep up with them and reply to messages. So, here are a few tips on how you can stay organized and enjoy posting your stories!

You can organize your IG Stories by doing a planner via Google Docs. I manage via google, and I post almost every day (but the recommendable is to post every day). I love to say good morning all the time, or share some positive affirmation, or share one of the moments of my day, or ask some opinion on some subject that I need at that moment. Or even sharing a fun moment with my family. You have many ideas to share on your IG stories.

If you want to keep up with Stories and be consistent, organize yours every week, it takes 20 minutes of your day ( I do it on Sunday), and it's so much easier to keep going. 

Sometimes, we don't follow that day's plan because we want to share a funny moment that happened at that moment or put another idea that you have at that moment. It's totally fine to do it, and it's better for your IG Stories views too.

Define a Style for your Stories

If you have a business, you want your Instagram Stories to have a cohesive style that makes them yours. The content is always visual and fast, so you want content that grabs your audience's attention.

When creating your Instagram Stories, you need to think about:

  • Font choice

  • Color choice

  • Filters

For example, when it comes to my Instagram account (@petraabarros), I like to use one or two colors of my brand and a font that is easy to read. For the moment, I use white and light orange, but I'm in the process of rebranding, so the colors will change a little bit, and when they will be with the new colors, I will adapt to my IG Stories. 

Concerning filters, I like to use one more natural, or I like "RetroCam" a lot. 

So, every time you do a Stories when you put a text with all the three points that I talked about previously, you will be recognizable and put it all the time, if it is a photo, video, just text, or just personal content. So, this keeps my Stories consistent and recognizable regardless if they're text-based, photo-based, video-based, or even when it's more personal content.

What Should Stories Consist Of?

You also need to think and organize what you're going to do in your Story posts for the week.

Your Stories should include your daily life, showing a little bit of what you're doing, sharing opinions, asking your audience their opinion, sharing a new post or reels, etc. And, if you're in business, it's expected you want to include a call to action to generate traffic, leads, or sales.

But don't be consistent on that. I mean, don't be way to pushy concerning selling something, because people don't like it and at a certain moment, they will run away.

You have to give them a variety of content that they want too! This can include things like:

  • Entertaining with your kids, dog, or just with friends

  • More personal posts, sharing a personal moment

  • Some tips

  • Behind the scenes

  • Answering your messages

It's essential to plan your content for Stories in advance, but don't forget that IG Stories is also a spontaneous feature, so you can do what you want to post when you want.

What I do is I plan on Sunday what I'm going to post (I created a sheet where I find it easy to organize). I will share with you the sheet, and I will come back later to this post. 

For example:

  • Share a Good morning sentence or song,

  • Share a picture of you starting the day,

  • Share your lunch,

  • Share your dog,

  • Share your post,

  • share your reels.

Of course, these are just simple ideas that you can engage with your audience, but you have many more that you can create.

I hope you found this post helpful, and I will see you next week.

Lots of love