Look back on your year and share what you learned

It's always a good time to reflect on the year that has passed. Life is a journey, as they say, and it always feels better when you know you're progressing. But it's not just about how far we've come and all the successes we've chalked up — sometimes, we learn more from our mistakes than anything else. Sometimes it's a pain that teaches us what we want in life, and sometimes it's how we carry ourselves through life that defines us. And sometimes, we learn something so profound that we never want to forget what we've learned — because we realise how much your life has changed since that lesson was imparted to us.

It's been a great year, full of ups and downs, and lessons learned and lost, feelings like want and need and love. It's been a year of tremendous growth for us, and we can't wait to see what another year brings. So this is our annual look back, as we highlight what we learned from the last 12 months and share a little about where we are for the following year.

All of us here have been, in one way or another, touched by all kinds of tragedies and heartbreaks this past year — the loss of some of our friends, family members, volunteers, and so on. It's like a tribe has taken place — nothing can ever be the same again. It's been a year of monumental shifts and changes, some subtle and some not. So this is our first look back before our official New Year's Eve party.

This year, we've all learned that life can give us so much joy, but at the same time, it can also be so cruel. But by the end, you realize that life is a great adventure — filled with highs and lows — and sometimes both happen in the same week. It's been a year of growth, new beginnings, inspiration, and enlightenment. Even death has taught us so much.

So here is what we've all learned this past year, in no particular order:

1. Life goes on

There are times when life is cruel when it deals you a bad hand — and sometimes it feels like you're never going to get over it. But some moments make life worth living — not just for yourself but for others too. And that's what makes life worth living.

2. Money doesn't buy happiness

Before we all got into this business, we thought that once you had a certain amount of money to take care of the basics, you could spend the rest on whatever you wanted and be happy. But somehow, it seems more challenging than you think — maybe money can buy many things, but it can't buy happiness

3. It's not what you know. It's who you know

This was another thing we thought was true — once you have a certain amount of money, you must make sure that you've got the right people in your circle. But sometimes it takes more than that — sometimes it takes more than just being financially stable and knowing the right people.

4. You can't quit till you try

We all know this one: if, at first, you don't succeed, try, try again. It's true, it may take a few tries, but you do have to try. And sometimes, the road to success may be long and bumpy, with lots of twists and turns. But if you don't give up, it can all work out.

5. The grass is always greener on the other side

This one is especially true for relationships — there will always be someone better than your partner if you're looking for someone new. And this can make you feel like the grass is greener on the other side. But if it's meant to be, it'll work out.

6. It never hurts to ask

If you've seen Fast Five, there's a great scene where Dwayne Johnson is asked what kind of car he wants — not just what model but what color, year, and features. He answers: "a red Lamborghini," and then walks off. Now, that guy is a big fan of cars — he doesn't just like the color red. He's into the model, the year, and all the accessories. But then, he can't buy them because there aren't any. But that doesn't stop him from dreaming.

What should we get you for our next party? How about a white Lamborghini with black lights on top…

7. Work hard, play hard

If you don't make time for the fun, it will never come, but if you plan ahead and have time to play, you'll realize that life is so much better.

8. Never judge a book by its cover

Never judge a person by their outer appearance. That could be the greatest mistake of your life.

9. One door closes, and another opens

Sometimes things don't work out — and sometimes, we're left wondering whether we did something wrong. But it's just not true — sometimes, it all works out in the end.

10. What goes around comes around

This is a pretty adage — but if you do something nice for someone else, maybe they will do something nice to you too and give you a chance to make up for what you did. But if they don't, perhaps that's their karma at work — and things will work out in the end.

There it's what I learned during the year 2022. Learning from our mistakes can be so glorious for your next step. I know you listen everywhere to this sentence, but please, and I mean it, NEVER GIVE UP!!! If you keep trying, you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope it this post was helpful, and I will see you next week.