Start 2023 with a Mindset in a Right Way

Built-in technology is getting so advanced that it affects our minds and thinking. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or mitigate the effects. This blog post will discuss how you can achieve a good mindset for yourself and your family to succeed in life, work, and academics. In 2016, there were over 2 billion active monthly users on Facebook, about 1.4 billion on WhatsApp, and 477 million on Instagram. These averages are rising rapidly, and it would not be surprising to see them surpass 3 billion before the decade's end. The average smartphone owner uses over three apps daily, and newer generations use them even more. As a result, social media is becoming an essential part of our lives. Research from the University of Pittsburgh suggests that there is a link between the use of social media and negative thoughts and feelings. Specifically, they found that the more people used social media, the less happy they were.

Moreover, a study by UCLA in 2015 showed that 55% of teenagers are addicted to their phones. Most readers reading this right now can relate to these stats. We all spend countless hours engaging with our devices; it is natural for us to be pulling our phones out every few minutes. In fact, according to a study from the University of Michigan, those who check their phone after every notification is more likely to be anxious and depressed than those who don't. Therefore, most of us need to re-evaluate how we use our devices if we want to lead a happy, fulfilling life.

In light of the topic, we should dedicate 2023 to finding ways to minimize the adverse effects of social media on our lives. It is time to look forward and make an effort to have a good mindset for ourselves and our families. If we don't, we might be unable to cope with a fast-paced, ever-changing world. This past year has shown us that everything is moving at lightning speed. It is difficult to detect the changes because most occur in the temporal domain. However, there is no point in stressing over predicting what will happen from now until 2023. Instead, let's be more concerned with preparing ourselves mentally for the year ahead, and the best place to start is by establishing a good mindset.

I usually look at the issue of a destructive mindset because it starts with three simple steps: 1) fear, 2) negativity, and 3) pain.

Fear is rooted in our subconscious mind, where it can never be felt. In most cases, we are unaware of its existence until it spirals out of control.

The negativity can be caused by anything that was experienced in the past. What is important is that we need to break free from the loop created by our memories and develop a way to prevent them from taking over our consciousness. The key here is to be mindful when negative thoughts begin to take over your mind. Once you know what is happening, you can start working on your pain points because that is where everything begins. Although these three steps sound simple, it is challenging to realize the effects of horrible thoughts. This is because our subconscious mind operates on a different wavelength than our conscious mind. As I stated earlier, we are unaware of the existence of fear until it starts to hurt us. And that is why we need to be mindful in life and when using technology.

In closing, we need to start looking forward. And by that, I mean setting our minds the right way for 2023. This is an exciting time when technology is changing fast, and it will be interesting to see how we adapt. However, what is more, important is how we choose to deal with it because change can be scary if you let it get the best of you. I'm creating a program where I teach you how to organise your social media well, make good content concerning your niche, work in advance, and spread your caption through other social media platforms. Here is my program:

Doing that, I promise you will feel with yourself, have more time for yourself and your family, and have less stress.

I hope that this post was helpful to you, and I will see you next week.