Pasta with a Secret Sauce

I love Pasta! Who doesn't?

Pasta is a staple in the Italian diet, and it has been around for centuries. The places it originated are unknown, but its earliest mention in writing is from Sicily in 1154. The exact origins of this delicious food are unknown, but many myths surround its beginnings that you will read about here today.

Many people believe that the original pasta dish was just plain dough boiled or steamed into long strings. Other people say that Pasta was invented by Arabs who were experts at rolling thin sheets of dough. The dough was then stuffed with a mixture of different ingredients, such as lentils, beans, and a variety of spices. These were boiled and served with salad.

However, it is also said that the most popular belief about Pasta as it's known today is that it originated in Rome, Italy, during the time of Pope Clement VIII (1592-1605). Being a Roman himself, he always enjoyed the simple food that his countrymen made. So he had Pasta made by one of his cooks named Pasta e Pomodoro. This dish was invented in his honor by Signora d'Antonguolla, an excellent cook and devoted Roman lady who has been credited for inventing this dish. (Let's put a little bit of history here)

What can be served with Pasta?

Pasta is one of the most ubiquitous dishes around the globe. It is a mainstay for breakfast, lunch, and dinner across many cultures. Creatively served with Pasta, it can make a perfect centerpiece for any meal or event like so many other dishes that have been taken out of their traditional context over time. Literally, hundreds of recipes can be cooked at home using this basic ingredient to make an evening in the kitchen more enjoyable than your last trip to the grocery store. Here are a few suggestions that can be easily incorporated into your diet.

1. Pasta with homemade tomato sauce: In addition to being easy to make, this dish is a great way to add some protein and vitamin C to your diet. All you need is Pasta, tomatoes, and basic pantry ingredients such as olive oil, garlic, and oregano. This is also a great way to use excess tomatoes from the garden or the market before they go bad. This simple recipe can be altered in many ways using different herbs or spices for variation of flavors but is always delicious and filling (praise Jesus!).

2. Pasta with French Onion Soup: I get requests for that all the time. This dish is delicious and particularly easy to make. While most people think of French Onion soup as a cold dish, this one works great as a hot meal. The broth is enriched with whole milk and cheese, and you can create a flavorful sauce using real butter, garlic, onion powder, red wine vinegar, and fresh sage or thyme. You can also add in some sliced chicken to make it even better. Sliced mushrooms could also be used for another variation of this recipe if you want to get crazy.

3. Pasta with homemade pizza sauce: Every Italian on this side of Sicily knows the secret to the perfect pizza sauce is using the right carbohydrates in your diet. This recipe uses some of the best ones that you can find, primarily spaghetti and breadcrumbs, to make a yummy base for any kind of toppings you want on your pizza. This recipe is further enhanced with meatballs, pepperoni, roasted red peppers, and cured pork (I'm talking prosciutto di Parma here) to give it a bit of meatiness.

But today, I will share with you another kind of sauce, a special one and so delicious!

What can I add to Pasta?

Don't know what to add to Pasta? This blog post is here to help. From herbs and spices to meat and vegetables, plenty of ingredients can go on top of this Italian dish. So if you want your pasta dish even more interesting, try some new flavors today! Your tastebuds will thank you for it. That's why I will share this delicious sauce full of delicious ingredients with you. Let's start!

All the ingredients that will be present go straight to the oven together!

Preheat the oven to 180º C, and in the meantime, start putting all the ingredients on the tray.

We need 2 heads of garlic and wrap them in aluminum foil, not forgetting to drizzle with olive oil and add a bit of dry rosemary.

Then half a large white onion. Then the sliced mushrooms, and finally the cured goat cheese. This one must be inside a Pyrex dish, as it will be melted and a little crunchy after the 25m it needs to be in the oven. Finally, you can drizzle everything with a little more oil and a little more dry rosemary.

After removing it from the oven, it goes to the blender, and you will need an additional ingredient: veggie cream. Mix all, and when it appears quite creamy, it's ready to serve.

During this process, the paste was being cooked.

Spread the creamy sauce on the Pasta, and it's ready to serve!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do at home.


  • 2 heads of garlic

  • half of white onion (big one)

  • veggie cream

  • 250grs of mushrooms

  • 200grs cured goat cheese

  • 2 tsp of dry rosemary

  • olive oil