Salmon in the Oven with Lemon

Salmon in the oven is a regular baking recipe that requires only the most fundamental ingredients. It is a simple yet flavorful way to cook salmon, and this recipe can be easily adapted for any amount of salmon you have. For example, if you wanted to make more than two servings, simply double all spices used. If you want more flavor with less sodium and fat, add extra herbs like rosemary or thyme and use low sodium chicken broth instead of water. That is just an example.

When making salmon, you must make sure that you purchase a cut of salmon where the skin is not scored. Otherwise, the delicate skin will become tough and rubbery:

It is also important to make sure that you completely cool the salmon after cooking to avoid cooking in the oven. If you do not cool down the salmon completely, it may continue to cook in an oven when placed back in.

This recipe will yield a moist and tender salmon fillet if done correctly.

This is a basic salmon recipe with simple ingredients, but it is also perfect for adding your own flair. This recipe is easily adaptable and versatile if you add herbs or spices.

Benefits of Salmon

Everyone needs protein in their diet to maintain health, but it's hard to get high-quality protein from food alone. Salmon is an excellent choice for a healthy source of protein because it has everything you need to stay healthy.

Healthy fats: Salmon has a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. These are healthy, anti-inflammatory fats that benefit various body systems and mainly support the cardiovascular, immune, and brain systems. Together with a good balance of omega-6 fatty acids (from the grass-fed beef you eat), these fats are considered one of the pillars of health.

High in minerals: Salmon is great calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus source. These minerals are all critical for a healthy, strong body. Calcium is essential for bone health, heart health, and brain function. A lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis and heart disease. Magnesium helps the body release energy, reduces muscle cramps, and can help with sleep disorders, while potassium is important to maintain the proper acid-alkaline ratio in the blood.

Energy: Salmon is a good source of protein which is essential for good physical and mental performance. When you eat protein, it breaks down into amino acids that your body can use as energy sources.

Why Lemon is so good for your recipes

Lemon is a traditional citrus fruit that can be used when cooking. Its tart and sour flavor and vitamin C content make Lemon an excellent ingredient in many dishes. So why do many recipes demand lemons? As it turns out, there are some interesting myths associated with the citrus fruits that help to explain this versatile fruit's role in cooking today: one of these myths is that Lemon can bring up the taste of other ingredients such as fish or vegetables because it has a high acidity level. In fact, Lemon is added to cooking recipes not to provide a sour taste in the recipe but rather a "tangy" flavor.

Unlike other citrus fruit, lemon juice does not contain high acidity levels, as it contains citric acid, which has a pH of approximately 2.4. This means that lemon juice has a very low PH which can be equated to vinegar; hence it produces little or no effect on taste buds. Lemon juice usually comes in bottled and fresh-squeezed, and they both have different effects on taste buds. Bottled lemon juices are almost always processed more than fresh-squeezed juices, so bottled juices aren't as tart and sour as fresh-squeezed varieties. Furthermore, bottled juices contain preservatives that can change the taste of the liquid, so it's best to stick with freshly squeezed lemon juice for the healthiest recipes.

Lemon juice is also a natural cleanser and an effective ingredient in many cooking recipes because of its high acidity and vitamin C content. Vitamin C is present in lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits, mainly in 'free' citric acid. This vitamin has been widely used as a natural remedy to treat illnesses such as scurvy. Furthermore, lemons are known to relieve indigestion and treat bruises and wounds. For example, scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C, so sailors who hadn't had fresh fruit or vegetables on their long voyages would fall sick if not treated accordingly.

The high acidity levels of lemon juice are also known to remove water stains from marble and granite countertops which means that you can use lemon juice to clean your kitchen counters without the need for harsh chemical cleaners.

About this recipe

We all love salmon around here, and when I did this recipe, the kids first said: "Mom, the salmon looks like butter." After hearing this, we can think that the salmon tastes very good. So, of course, I smiled with happiness immediately! 

But let's start to share with you this tasty recipe.

First, you have to heat the oven to 180ºC.

Then, place all the salmon fillets on a plate.

Separately, he begins to prepare the sauce for the salmon. But, first, prepare the lemon juice and add the lemon zest to it.

With a brush, spread on each piece of salmon with the lemon juice and zest. Then add the soy sauce with the teriyaki and olive oil and all the spices chosen for this recipe: garlic powder, dehydrated onion, and 2 sprigs of parsley well-cut.

To finish, put a lemon wedge on top.

Wrap each salmon fillet in aluminum foil.

Put it in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes, no more.

In the end, it's ready to serve.

You can accompany it with vegetables, salad, rice, couscous or any other accompaniment you prefer.



  • 8 Salmon fillets (medium size)

  • Lemon Juice (Half lemon)

  • Zest

  • Olive oil

  • 1 tbs of Teriyaki

  • 1 tbs of Soja sauce

  • 2 tbs of dehydrated onion

  • 1 tbs of garlic powder

  • Lemon (cut in slices)