Sweet Potato Pie with Croutons

This recipe is simple, and the ingredients are easy to find in any grocery store. This dish takes about 25 minutes to make and will make enough for seven servings.

Sweet potatoes are a fantastic food full of vitamin A, and C. Sweet potatoes are a great fiber, potassium, and magnesium source.

The Benefits of Sweet Potato

Extraordinary benefits of sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are not only delicious, but they are also good for you. They are the perfect source of carbohydrates, which helps in energy and should be a staple in any diet. They also provide many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, and potassium. In short: their health benefits out weight their taste! So ditch those boring brown potatoes and try the sweet potato next time you make dinner.

1. Statistics

Sweet potatoes are extremely rich in antioxidants and are a good source of fiber. In addition, due to their high concentration of carbohydrates, they provide energy efficiency.

2. Quick Facts

• Easy to cook, one minute per serving

• Good food source for athletes, as it keeps them satisfied and energized after longer workouts

• Can be used in desserts such as cakes, pies, and even puddings!

3. History

The sweet potato has been around for hundreds of years but originated from South America. It was brought to Europe by the Spanish when the first European expedition set off from Peru in 1516 to map out the way to China. Likely, the sweet potato was first cultivated in the Caribbean around 1350. The Spaniards later brought it to Spain, and from there, it spread to other parts of Europe by the early 1600s.

4. Health Benefits

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, a precursor for vitamin A and may help protect against cancer. It also contains other nutrients, including vitamins B6, C, calcium, and potassium.

All in all, sweet potatoes are highly beneficial to your health!

5. Nutritional Facts

Calories: 49

Carbohydrates: 18.6g (17%RDA)

Protein: 1.3g (3%RDA)

Fiber: 4.3g (18%RDA)

6. Suggestions

• Try varying the types of sweet potatoes you use, including orange, purple or yellow flesh varieties. A range of colors means you can use them to create various dishes with different flavor combinations!

• Use sweet potatoes in recipes with poppy seed, sunflower seed, or garlic butter to improve their nutritional profile even more.

• Sweet potatoes can be crushed or mashed by hand or in a food processor and then used in dressings, soups, and stews.

• Sweet potatoes are also perfect as a snack when they can be cut into squares or sticks and fried. They are also popular with dips such as hummus, guacamole, and salsa.


A crouton is a small piece of bread that has been toasted and, while still hot, broken into small pieces. They are used as a topping on casseroles or soups. They can also be crushed and included in salads. There are many different types of croutons with varying flavor profiles so that you can enjoy plain, garlic, cheese, or herbs for your favorite dish!

When you're cooking with croutons for the first time, it can be difficult because the bread doesn't stick together as most other toppings do - this is because it has been toasted and dried out from being smashed.

You can use any bread for your croutons, and you don't need to toast it. However, if you do, then I suggest toasting 1/2 of the crouton with the cheese or herb before adding it to your dish where you need it. You can add a little bit of extra garlic if you like garlic in your dish but do not put too much at one time as this can overpower your dish or flavor.

A pastry brush is the best tool for applying the melted cheese or herbs, but then again, you can use whichever device is available to you.

About this recipe

I decided to do this recipe for my family, because as I said before, sweet potatoes have loads of benefits, and my family is used to it, and they enjoy a lot of sweet potatoes. 

My son loves everything smashed. That is why he loves soup, puree, and this recipe is no exception, but my daughter is another story. She loves to see what she's eating. I was concerned about this dish because the sweet potato is smashed, but with crouton involved, she enjoyed the flavor of this dish.

The rest of the family gave this recipe 5 stars, and I was so happy about that!

First, you need to peel the potatoes and cut them into little pieces. After they are all cut, put in a big pan and boiled for 20m. Add salt as you wish.

Please put them in a pyrex and smash them with a fork when ready. When done, involve raw garlic in tiny pieces. On top, insert the crouton and add cloves of garlic and olive oil (as much as you like). 

Put in the oven during 10-12m in 180ºc.

And it's ready to serve! It's so delicious!



  • 5 sweet potatoes (medium or big size)

  • 15 cloves of garlic

  • 600grs of crouton

  • olive oil