Salmon with Special Homemade Sauce

Hello! For this weekend, I want to share a recipe that my kids loved it! Here, at home, we all love salmon. We can do so many recipes with salmon, but today's recipe will be salmon in the oven, and the secret of this recipe will be the sauce. 

It's a homemade and healthy sauce that gives an extra taste when you eat with the salmon.

Every time I love to teach and give my kids guidance to eat well and healthy and say to them the benefits of that for their future.

Since my kids were little, I gave them salmon, and the benefits of this fish are enormous. 

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Salmon is one of the best sources of the long-chain omega-3, is rich in high-quality protein, is an excellent source of B vitamins, is relatively high in potassium. Eating salmon may help protect against heart disease, can also be a powerful weapon against inflammation, and a growing number of studies suggest that including salmon in your diet might improve brain function. As you can see, salmon provides several impressive health benefits. But we need to pay attention to what kind of salmon we chose because, unfortunately, salmon made in aquariums are made in unnatural ways. Try to choose fresh salmon, if possible. They are the most recommended.

But now, let's talk about the recipe that I want to share with you. It's effortless to make, and it stays so delicious.

So, let's start with the salmon. We are just going to do a simple thing with the salmon. It goes straight to the oven with lemon and salt. 

They will cook at a temperature of 220ºc for 10 min, and you will notice that the salmon will be a little lighter because of the lemon juice (that's normal).

When the salmon is being cooked, we can start to ake the special sauce.

In a pan, you can insert olive oil and then garlic, mix well. After, add the tomato cut into pieces and mix well again. Put the black pepper and ginger and stir well.

Then, it's time to add the côco cream, and after mixing well, add the mozzarella. Both will give the sauce consistency and more creamy. 

In the end, insert the basil. Basil has an incredible smell and gives the food a fantastic taste. Usually, this sauce it's cooked at medium temperature, and when you see that all is well involved, you can blend.

After the sauce is blended, you can insert the salmon and let it stays for 3 min to taste the sauce well. After, it's ready to be served. When it's already on the plate, I like to put on top of the salmon a little more basil. But you can put what you prefer most. 

I served this dish with pasta, but it can be done with many other things, like rice, mash potatoes, quinoa, sliced baked potatoes. It's up to you! 

Eating the salmon with this special sauce gives a delicious taste, and I was so happy when the kids approved! Mission accomplished. 

I hope you enjoy it too, and if you try this recipe, just leave in the comments what you think or if you made a few changes!

Lots of love.


  • 2 salmon

  • 1 lemon juice

  • salt

  • olive oil

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • 1 tomato

  • 1 coffee spoon of black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon of ginger

  • 165 ml of côco cream

  • 2 tbs of mozzarella

  • 2 sprigs of basil