How to Find your Passion in Life

All of us would love to discover what our passion in life is. It's not as easy as it seems. We all love many things, but I'm talking about our careers and jobs. I firmly believe that we should follow our dreams and do what we love. It is not always easy since we all have bills to pay and many of the things we love to do, or they don't guarantee a paycheck immediately or are too risky financially to try. So we need to keep our feet on the ground to start and look inside ourselves and find what we love that can become a source of income.

And that's why I want to show you some ways to find your real passion in life.

1 - Check on What You Spend Hours Reading About

For example, when I started to buy audiobooks, I realized that every month I was buying a book talking about mindset, entrepreneurship, manifestation, and subjects that I love to learn more and more every day. 

I genuinely believe the way we think and talk to others influences our path in life. Mindset is everything, but it's just not to learn new skills. The way we work with our minds can interfere with everything we do in life.

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If you like to read, check which books you would love to read about it, and if you see that it is quite the same category, you found one passion in your life.

2 - Talk with your Friends

Ask your friends about yourself. What do they think about you? What do they feel that you are good at and you don't realize that by yourself.

If you admire one of your friends and wish to reach where they are, ask and talk with them to see how they get there and conquer their goal. It's essential to know these little details because if you want to own the place you deserve, you don't need to be afraid to ask for help.

For example, when I asked some friends what they think about me, most of them said that I was a determined person, that I love to organize all the time, and don't fear discovering new things! That made me think because I did not realize that I was that person. As a perfectionist, I think all the time that I'm still not good enough. So, that's why it's so important to talk about it. Today I'm here, sharing what I love to do with you, talking about personal development/entrepreneurship/organization. 

Therefore, I have overcome fear and created this channel for all of you.

3 - Brainstorm

Write down on paper whatever comes to your mind. Don't worry if it sounds stupid to you, but write it down. Here, what I did, to find out what I love to do was to wrote for 30 days on different papers, and after that 30 days, I looked at all of them and saw what word or idea I repeated. If I repeated a lot of times, it says a lot about my passion was and is!

For example, creativity appeared a lot of times, like planning, exercise, mindset. All the things that I love!

So, I advise you to write it down for 30 days, words that come to your mind and after you can compare. You will be surprised! Just give it a try!

4 - You need to try

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If you already know your passion, just put it out to the world and try. Don't be afraid to fail because failure is part of the process. Sometimes, it works at first and has some businesses or ideas that worked at first. But most of them don't, so don't be concerned about that. Just do what you love and if it didn't work, rethink the way you want to do it and keep going! Do it as a hobby at first, aside from your job, and see if it works, but most importantly, if it is what you really want to do!

5 - Don't Say goodbye to your job (yet)

Suppose your passion is working, it doesn't mean that you need to quit immediately from your job. Please continue with the two sides until you feel that you can't handle them anymore. That means your business is stabilizing and gaining structure. 

When you keep both sides, you can invest more in your hobby and learn more about growing your passion.

With these ways, I want to give a final recall. If you still didn't find your passion, don't give up, never! Keep trying because, like that, you will find out. For example, I discovered my passion in life many years ago, but I try to deny it for all these years that pass. That is being creative! I love to create things from scratch, and I love to sing, draw, and I love to have ideas for photos and put them out with some creativity. I LOVE!

And I denied it all the time! Not anymore. I put my Blog out, my Youtube Channel out, and I'm enjoying Instagram so much!

Life is to be lived the way we want to and not complain about and live with the ifs. I wish you all the best!