How much times a day you show love to your kids?

As a mother, I'm in love with my kids! As time passes and they grow, my love for them also. For sure, you are thinking, this is normal, which I agree, but plenty of children in this world don't receive the love and affection they deserve. Not every parent is like me. I can't keep my hands off my kids with hugs and kisses all the time. During the weekend, I started thinking if I exaggerate or not. And a question popped into my mind, How many times a day you show love to your kids?

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So, it was time to start reading and investigating. And today, I would like to share my findings and, most importantly, my point of view on the subject.

To start, we need to find first an answer to the following questions:

How do you show love to your child?

Each of us will have our parenting style and personality, but I think we all share and agree on the following points. 

  • Physical contact

    • This is the one I'm more "guilty of all" I love to hug them, cuddle with them, hold their hand, sin on the couch with them, lay in bed with them. Basically, be near them! I need to show them that I'm there for them always and share affection. And there is nothing better in the world than their hugs and kisses!

  • Teach them

    • Our job as parents is to guide them and show them the way. Leading them by example and teach them every day about everything. Help them build their personality and help them find their way in this world. I'm not only talking about rules and society but also about everything they show interest in. For example, kids are curious and ask many questions a day of all kinds. About your job, nature, or even things like, why do we get old? So be open-minded and be open with them and talk freely about everything.

  • Show enthusiasm

    • Kids like to talk and speak about their problems or achievements during the day. Don't forget, they also have a life, and we need to get excited with their findings and learn to listen to them and their problems. So, show enthusiasm in what they're talking about, what they're doing, what they're working on. Show them how excited you are to see them when you get home from work. Let them feel your love.

  • Play together

    • This is something I also do a lot with them. Every day I travel with them through their beautiful world of imagination and creativity. I love to play with them and see how their imagination works. During the games, it's their rules, and I do and follow their beautiful minds. Don't forget that we need to let them be creative, and we shouldn't say something like, "Dogs don't eat with forks" It's their world, and we should let them fly away from reality as possible. They will have plenty of time to live in the real world, so let them be kids and enjoy the ride.

  • Tell Stories

    • Kids have a uniquely creative mind, but we should feed their minds daily, and telling or reading stories helps them develop the creative side. While you read a story, their mind is forming images and imagining the entire world around your story. Also good is to talk to them while you read, ask them who their favorite character is or what they liked best. Also, share with them what you liked. Take this opportunity to get to know each other more.

  • Encourage them

    • Something that I do every day is to remind them that everything is possible with effort and dedication. That nothing is easy in life and that they need to fight for it. I like to let them dream, and when they say what they want to be, I encourage them to work hard towards their goals. For example, my son wants to be a developer of games and work for Epic Games. I said - Sure! You can do it. - but the minute after, I realized that he was going in the right way when he said - But mom, I can also create my own company, and the name will be "DMB Fun Gamer." I was delighted to see his confidence in himself, and I told him immediately, EVEN BETTER, MY SON!

  • One-on-One Time

    • I have two kids, a boy, and a girl, so I need to make sure I dedicate some time to One-on-One once in a while with each one of them. To spend time as a family is great, but one-on-one it's a must. When they have their alone time with their mom, I noticed that they are more open and talk more about themselves. And this is not hard to find the time. You can do it while going to the grocery shop or do some shopping.

  • Bedtime special

    • There is a tradition around bedtime in our house, which is mommy sings a special song. Every day the same song and it's called "Boa Noite, Vitinho!" When I was their age, this song would play on television, and all the kids knew it was time for bed. So today I sing this song every time and some days more than once, yes, somedays it's not easy to put them to sleep.

  • Thank them

    • Kids can be difficult sometimes, but when they listen to you, they are nice to their sibling, or when they do something wrong and apologize for it, we should show that we appreciate it. Like this, they feel validated and good about themselves.

Should you tell your child you love them every day?

 Definitely yes. A key to your child's flourishing is her secure attachment to you; knowing that she is unconditionally loved will lift her up to face all that life throws at her.

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How many times a day you show love to your kids?

While searching for answers and after reading a lot on the subject, I must agree with "Power of Moms" Website

  • Children need a minimum of 8 touches during a day to feel connected to a parent.

If they're going through a particularly challenging time, it's a minimum of 12 a day. This doesn't have to be a big deal–it could be the straightening of a collar, a pat on the shoulder, or a simple hug.

  • Each day, children need one meaningful eye-to-eye conversation with a parent.

Babies need to have that eye contact, but children of all ages need us to slow down and look them in the eyes.

  • There are nine minutes during the day that can have the most significant impact on a child.

    • The first 3 minutes right after they wake up

    • the 3 minutes after they come home from school

    • the last 3 three minutes of the day–before they go to bed.

Showing love to your child every day, wil give to her so many advantages for her growth, personality, and being more balance in her emotions.

I hope these questions and answers will help you a little bit in your daily life with your child.

Lots of Love