Special Tuna with Rice

Hello! This weekend's recipe, which I'm going to share with you, is a recipe that I've been making for a few years now and my kids have always loved. It's expected that over time, I've perfected the flavor, the condiments, and every year my children say that every time they eat this dish, it gets better and better.

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The name I gave to the recipe was special tuna with rice because I mix the tuna with homemade tomato sauce, add spices and coconut milk to make it creamier and more succulent. I use natural canned tuna in this recipe, but you can use canned tuna soaked in olive oil if you want. I just prefer the natural one, as I'm adding oil throughout the recipe. Salt, even very little, because with the spices, will give an intense flavor to the tuna.

I always make it with rice in this recipe, but you can also accompany it with pasta, puree, quinoa, or couscous. It really depends on your preference. Here at home, we love rice. My grandmother used to make rice that would go to heaven in my childhood, and today when I remember her rice, it seems that the flavor is in my mouth because I remember the taste perfectly!

And now I ask. Isn't it weird when we say we remember a taste of something when the flavor comes from tasting? But it is good to remember because we never forget what we really like!

But let's start to show you how I do this delicious recipe.

First, I cook the rice, and I usually cooked with olive oil and onion. What I do is I put olive oil in the pan, add the onion, let it fried a lit bit, and then I put the rice, which I allowed it to fried a lit bit too. The taste of the rice is fantastic. Definitely, I advise you to give it a try. 

To start, I put the tomatoes in the oven with oregano and olive oil, and I let them in the range for around 20m with a temperature of 220º.

After they are ready, I blend them so that it doesn't stay little pieces of tomato because my kids don't appreciate it so much. 

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In a pan, start to put olive oil, and following the onion and garlic, mix them well. Add the tuna and mix well again. 

After it's time to add the ginger and the Italian herbs. After put the homemade tomato sauce, and involve very well. 

When everything is well mixed, it's time to put coconut milk, mix well, and cook for a few minutes at medium temperature.

Arrive the moment to put everything in the oven. In a pyrex, put the cooked rice first and then add the special tuna. On top, add the mozzarella. It will give you an extra flavor which the kids love it. Let it stay in the oven with a temperature of 220º, around 10 to 15 min. It really depends on the stove that you have. I left it approximately 10 min because it's enough time for the mozzarella to start to stay crunchy.

After that, it's ready to be served!

If you give it a try, let me know what did you think about this recipe!

It's really delicious! Enjoy!


  • 3/4 of white rice

  • olive oil

  • half onion (medium)

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • 2 cans of tuna (natural)

  • 2 mediums tomatoes

  • 1 teaspoon oregano

  • 1 teaspoon ginger

  • 1 teaspoon Italian herbs

  • 1 cup of coconut milk (not cream)

  • 4 tbs of mozzarella

  • salt