Social Media - Which platform you love most?

Last week, I wrote about the power of Social Media. Today I want to write a little more about the most popular platforms, if we can say like that, and what they work the best.

Before I start to be more involved in Social Media Platforms, I was using them for personal use only. I started to use most of Facebook to share photos of my family, especially my kids, sharing news, basically sharing what I believed. And in 2015, I create a Business Page for my Brand for babies and children, The Duckies - Design Store. At the time, Facebook was in gold years, which you need to post once, and the engagement was incredible! Today it's another story, Facebook changed.

But let's see one by one about what they are working on better, and since I was writing about Facebook, let's start with that one.


This platform is working well for Facebook Groups. 2021 is a good year who have a Facebook Group, or you want to create one! You can easily add people if they are interested in engaging with other people, especially if they have similar businesses to share tips and pieces of advice. Ads also are working well, but you need to know how to create suitable ads; otherwise is a waste of money. 

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What is not working so well, like years ago, is business pages for small businesses. I can give you an example. I launched my baby brand in 2015, and the organic reach was massive! I needed to post one single item, and the engagement was incredible. Today, it's another story. If you want good attention, you need to create ads, do more videos, and add a shop (if you have a product business). I didn't do my Facebook page for my Baby brand because I'm working more on another platform.

But I will! I'm planning for that.


In this social media platform is where creativity speaks loud! And it is my favorite platform! Instagram loves that you use all of its features. The algorithm will start to dance. At the moment, what is working best is Reels. If you start doing three reels per week, you'll see a significant improvement in your engagement and following. But most importantly, you will catch the right niche that you're looking for!

I tend to plan my reels because I don't want to do without a plan.

On Friday, for example, I do fun reels with my kids, dancing. But I'm planning to change the content a lit bit. 

We will continue to have fun, but with a different message. 

Also, IGTV arrived to be like youtube, where people can make videos, short (min 1m) or long (can be one hour or even two hours).

Insta Stories are my favorite because you can put whatever you want, talking at the moment with your audience, sharing an opinion, showing funny things with your kids. If you have animals, you can always make funny stories with them. As you can see, this is my favorite platform because I don't stop talking about Instagram. And if I told you that last year, around this month, I didn't know how to work with Insta, my knowledge was zero! Today, it's my kind of thing! 


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Pinterest is a platform where billions of people go to check photos, for inspiration, for advice, for knowledge, or to buy a product or service. Pinterest loves most new pins every day, and in 2021, videos are a priority to have on your page. They are working very well, and the engagement is higher.

Use new photos, titles, and templates to make sure everything is staying as unique as can be! You can also pin different images in the blog post with targeted keywords to add a new level of content to your feed. 

Also, implement stories. Not all accounts have Pinterest Stories, but they are very similar to Instagram stories if you do use them. They work as a short series of slides with photos and videos, and text. You can't go directly to your website using them, but they are a great way to gain followers and more brand visibility. Pinterest is jumping more of happiness the brands that are using them. So, if you have, take advantage of the happiness of Pinterest.


It's a good platform too, but it is the one that I have less knowledge of, but still, I will talk about this one because I know a few things! In Linkedin, it is good to recommend experts of your area or coaches that helped elevate your Brand because they will appreciate that, and they will refer you too on their page.

Also, posting every day is ideal, no matter how small the post. If you cannot, I understand, especially if you are a Mom with millions of things to do. Just set realistic but consistent planning of posting for yourself and stick to it. It will increase your visibility and engagement.

The last thing that I want to share with you from this platform is, share native content. People will appreciate more original content made by you than sharing links from youtube or Vimeo.

I love social media and writing with you about it and sharing some knowledge. I am so pleased to do that. 

Of course, the market has more social media platforms, but I want to talk about what I work with and want to work with.

I hope these little tips helped you somehow, and if you are a lover of social media as I am, go out there and smashed it! The process is long, and you'll struggle a lot, but you work consistently, you will reach your goal! You can do it!

Lots of love