The Power of Social Media

Social media has changed how we communicate today. It's our most significant advantage to be educated about the entirety of the additional opportunities to deal with our online standing. 

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The new generation and including mine is among the top users of most online media stages on the Internet. Regardless of whether it's updating a Facebook status or showing an image of what we are eating on Instagram, we are all the time posting. Online media is an enormous piece of our way of life now. You can be a professional or personal profile, and commonly, we insinuate our online presence as our "Own Brand." Your Personal Brand can be both the individual and professional "YOU." 

Typically, we tend to see just the negative side of social media and how it can impact in a wrong way our lives. But, it's essential to talk about the good side of it, because it will not go away from us, from the way we live now, as a society.

And because of this, I decided to share with you five advantages of using social media: 

1. Making connections. 

Social media isn't just about brands interfacing with their customers. Of course, it's important too, but the most important thing is to build relationships. With social media, I made many friendships, which sometimes, we schedule meetings via Zoom and talk about ordinary things. They are from many countries, like the USA, France, England, etc.

From a professional perspective, you can develop your expert organization online hugely by associating with partners, coaches, brands, and different experts. 

2. Offer your ability. 

Social media offers you a chance to discuss what you know and what you need to be known for. Sharing your expertise or what you like most to talk and do , will open doors for potential professional and individual connections. Just find a way to introduce yourself and how you want to share your knowledge with others to have more opportunities to reach people who think and believe the way you do. 

For example, I love social media, and I love to connect with people. My favorite subjects to share and talk about are personal development and organization.

If you share content that you believe and know a lot about and continue to be persistent, you will gain credibility. 

You need to be authentic. Need to be yourself. And if you share what you believe and do in life, you just gain points to be trusted.

3. Grow your visibility. 

Take 30m of your day and share your knowledge on social media, be consistent, and manage your social media platforms well. You will increase your visibility and start to be a leader in that specific area.

But, of course, you need to engage with people. It's not just creating content. People like to connect, to be involved when you post and create captions. Following people you want to and believe in what they are sharing, it's also the chance to grow and be known. 

4. Teach yourself. 

Social media allows you to share what you believe and what you love most. Also, you will find a lot of experts in your area that can help you increase your knowledge. today  in the online era, you can find online events that you can follow and learn from the comfort of your home.

With Corona times, online events increased like crazy, but not all are good, so you need to check first the reviews and advantages of that specific event. Also, I recommend all the time, if you are looking for a coach or expert that can help you to grow, you really need to choose wisely and check first the reviews or comments of previous students. It's crucial for your investment. And don’t forget, with youtube today you can find a lot of information for free.

5. Stay connected 

The good thing is you can connect anytime, anywhere, whenever you want, and take out doubts when you need. I know, for some of you this might be a bad thing, being all the time on social media, but you can manage your time as you like! It's up to you! Social media should be fun, engaging and a source of knowledge.

By staying connected and participating in forums and groups you will meet new people, new ways of thinking and you will be able to learn new things and teach as well.

I made friendships during a workshop, and until today, we continue in touch, and some, I can say they are my friends now.

Social media opens doors for so many opportunities. The only thing you need is to love social media, have patience, believe in what you are doing, and pass the love and energy of what you're doing. Otherwise, it's not going to be easy.

That's a new era that we are living and we need to adapt and accept the new world. It's the world of our kids, the new generation.

I hope these 5 benefits of using Social Media that I share with you, helped you in some way, for your personal or professional life, and to understand that we need to accept and adapt of the new challenges in life!

I wish you all the best.

Lots of love