Top 7 Reasons Why People Become Disorganized

We've all been there: you have a pile of papers on your desk, a mess in your closet, and you can't find the coffee mugs because they are always in the back of the cupboard. It's just too much! But what are the top 7 reasons why people become disorganized? You may be surprised to learn that many adjustments to daily routines can help us maintain order. 

1. Time and energy are too limited

We all have the same time daily, but usage varies greatly. Some people can do their entire morning routine in 5 minutes. Others spend an hour getting ready and still run late if they grab a cup of coffee on the way out the door.

Leisure time is often scarce for those who are always busy or have added responsibilities like caring for a home, children, or an older person. Then some have many commitments like work, family, or even volunteering.

Photo by Eli Francis on Unsplash

Time and energy must be appropriately allocated to get the most out of life and make it enjoyable. The first step is to decide what is important and which things are mere distractions. Then look for ways to eliminate time-consuming activities that could be done more efficiently by others.

2. Lack of planning

To change how a person spends his time and energy, he must first have a clear idea of what he wants to achieve. Without this mental map, there is no way to organize tasks into something that would make sense.

A person may look at the clothes in his closet and walk out of the room saying, "I haven't worn these in ages!" Then he puts everything away with no rhyme or reason. This kind of spontaneous decision-making often leads to disorganization. When you don't know where things are, reorganizing them is hard. The other problem is that after a day or year has passed, everything seems to be so out of place. A person without a plan often becomes frustrated and can become disorganized. People need to write down their ideas and goals to make it possible to organize them afterward.

3. Your physical environment does not support your mental, emotional or spiritual needs

It's important to be in a space where you feel like yourself. You may feel more at home on a sailboat, studying abroad, or in the office. Physical surroundings can make a difference. However, it can become routine and stressful if you are always in the same environment. You will have to adjust your routine constantly, which is tiring. Nowadays, many people have a home office and spend most of their time there. This is a great way to get work done but it can also be distracting. Some people work well in the same environment all day long and enjoy it; others need change and variety in their surroundings to feel genuinely at ease.

Another big problem is that people do not have enough outlets for creativity or imagination. Living in someone else's dream house can be a problem. It may match their fantasy, but it removes the right to express themselves in their home. Creative people prefer a certain level of disorder to give their imagination free reign. They need space to let go and develop things they come up with spontaneously.

When people live in a space that does not fit their personality, it's hard to relax and stay calm. It's like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. It just can't happen.

What is your home like?

Are you surrounded by things that reflect your personality and your way of life? 

Photo by Gökhan Tahincioğlu:

Do you feel comfortable and relaxed there? 

Always spend time and energy in the same environment to avoid feeling overwhelmed. For example, you can still enjoy coming home after a long day at work but must find ways to make it feel different from the office or wherever else you spend. 

4. No room for your personality

We all have different styles, tastes, and habits. But if you always leave the kitchen in a disaster area and your car is messy, others will never see who you really are. We tend to forget that others don't like us because we're organized or disorganized. They either want us, or we don't, regardless of how neat or messy our environment is. It's important to find a way to express our true selves without feeling judged. We need some balance between organization and disorganization, order, and disorder. This will set people at ease when they are around us.

It's a fact that people form opinions about you based on your appearance, provided it is not too eccentric. If you are in uniform, people know you're the cook, a delivery person, or a nurse. When you wear sloppy clothes and have messy hair, others may judge you as lazy or unreliable simply because of your appearance. In this case, how organized or disorganized your environment becomes irrelevant. 

5. Lack of time management

People with time to spare often become disorganized because they have no system in place. They don't know what to do with their time and forget where to put things. The lack of a system causes confusion and a lack of efficiency, which can lead to an unclean environment. Most people need some way to schedule their daily activities, whether a calendar or daily plan. Without this, it's hard for people to decide how best to fit it all in. Therefore, it's essential to be prepared for the day by planning your daily activities and activities for each day of the week. It helps to keep everything organized and makes it easier to find where you put things. 

6. No decision-making skills

When people have difficulty deciding what to do, they tend to avoid it or make poor decisions. This can lead to procrastination because they have no idea what approach would be best. They may do more than one thing at a time, which makes for an inefficient and chaotic living. A decision may be made to do something in the future, but then lack of follow-through causes people to become less disciplined.

7. Feeling insecure

People who feel insecure may feel uncomfortable making decisions because they fear they will make mistakes and be judged negatively. Once they start making good decisions, they become more confident and trust their instincts. Unfortunately, this can also lead to being disorganized because people with this problem often procrastinate. They are always trying to figure out what to do next. They may put things off or rush into them without a clear plan. Many people who procrastinate lack confidence, but it's possible to change that and become more optimistic, which will alleviate the problem of disorganization.

The organization is a set of principles that explain how to manage things. There are many different styles of organization, and some may not be conducive to natural organizing. For example, one type is that you don't need anything other than your will. Another way is to plan the event and follow through with it — which may work fine for some people, but others prefer the more spontaneous approach. Again, there are many different ways of organizing, so it's crucial to find out what speaks to you and implement that method into your life. 

See you next week!