Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Social media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. With over 1.5 billion active monthly users and growing, it is currently the largest online platform in the world. Previously unheard of, social media was introduced as a new form of communication, and by now, many people rely on it to keep up with friends and family, find jobs, and more. This article contains 50 ideas for social media marketing; some are old methods that have been around for years, while others are innovative ways to connect with your target demographic. All are proven to work and will give you new insight into how effective social media can be for your business.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Vine, and Snapchat; if you're using social media, then chances are that this list of platforms is familiar. This article will focus on the 7 powerful platforms; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+. Most people are familiar with these 7 platforms, but new users are always coming and going. For example, in the last few years, Snapchat has become a trendy platform, with new users joining daily. Vine is a platform that many social media experts have missed out on, but it has the potential to be an excellent tool for your business. Before using any social media platform, the first thing is to understand how it works.

Facebook is widely considered the first of these major platforms, founded in 2004 as a social utility and mobile app developer by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates at Harvard University. Since its creation, Facebook has become a recognizable brand globally. In addition, social network has other platforms to share viral videos and photos. Still, Facebook stands out for its 2 billion monthly active users and core function of connecting people with family and friends. Despite the competition from Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, it still boasts over a billion monthly active users.

Twitter is another mobile-oriented platform that allows you to broadcast your thoughts in 140 characters or less. A social media platform that was established in 2006 by Jack Dorsey and Evan Williams. Twitter has a user base of approximately 300 million per month and is an ideal platform to connect with influential people in your niche.

LinkedIn is a social network that targets professionals, both large and small. Upon launch in 2003, focusing on business networking was initially known as 'Facebook for professionals. Its user base encompasses various industries, from engineering to education.

Instagram is one of the most popular mobile apps in the world, with over 500 million active users per month, and is currently owned by Facebook. The site's functions are simple; users can post photos to share with friends and family or follow accounts for inspiration.

The famous blogging platform WordPress can also be used to share your thoughts with the world. Creating a website from scratch is possible, but this is not recommended for beginners. Over 25 million websites have been built on WordPress, which makes it a reliable way to bring traffic to your site.

Pinterest is one of the newer platforms, but it has taken over the world in the last few years. It can be used to share your favorite photos with friends and family, but it is an ideal platform for businesses looking to find new customers. The primary function of Pinterest is sharing content; before, it was not recommended to use it to increase traffic to your site, but now it's changing a lit bit.

Snapchat is a platform that has gained massive popularity in the last couple of years. With the ability to send videos and pictures that are deleted within 10 seconds of being viewed, Snapchat users are embracing the fun aspect of sending photos. Google+ is a social media platform that was created in 2011 by Google. The platform's primary purpose is to connect with friends, family, and experts in your field worldwide.

When using any of these platforms, it's important to remember that this is a business venture, and you will need to adjust your strategy according to the results you get. If it works for you, then continue. If not, then look at ways to improve your results. In addition, each of these platforms is unique and has characteristics that are unique to the platform. Finally, if you have difficulty getting the desired results, try another platform to see if it works better for your business. 

50 ideas for social media

1. Make your profile picture relevant to your business so that when people click on your profile, they immediately recognize you and know what you can offer.

2. Look at how other businesses are using the platform. What works for them, and what doesn't work for them? Does their strategy work better than yours? Then, work out how you can get similar results.

3. Is your content relevant to your target market? If not, what can you do to change it?

4. Is your content being shared by other users? If yes, is it getting you more contacts or traffic? If not, can you make it more shareable by adding an eye-catching image or a call to action?

5. When sharing videos on social media platforms do they link to your site? Adding a link in the description box may improve your conversion rate.

6. If you have a blog, make sure it has a blogroll. This is where other users that have blogs are linked to theirs. This allows your readers to click through and read other blogs.

7. Upload an image of your business and add company details in the description. This can create interest and help increase people looking at your site, so it stands out from the crowd when they click on your website.

8. Don't rush to post across all social media platforms. Unless you have a large and loyal following on a specific platform, focus on that and ensure your content is still relevant.

9. Put an eye-catching image with the title of your company or product on your profile photo and in the description box. This will grab the attention of people visiting your profile so they know exactly who you are and what you offer first!

10. Research the top 10 (or more) posts from other users on your platform. What is their content like? Are they using a picture or video to grab their audience's attention? What about the title? Do they use keywords? Is it relevant to your business?

11. Know when to post and keep posts fresh. Post every so often but not constantly, as you want people to come back and see what you have posted recently.

12. Use Facebook's analytics tools to find out what your users are searching for and what they like to read. This will help you design the right content for your audience.

13. Use Facebook's ads capability and target your ad to people who are interested in a particular subject or product. This is a great way to increase sales, engagement, and traffic, as it taps into people's interests and helps you improve conversion rates by knowing exactly where you need to post your ads!

14. Promote yourself on the Buy, Sell & Trade group. Facebook groups have a great way to promote your business by being in the right place at the right time. Planning your posts is crucial as this will help you collect people's information and create a following.

15. Use Word of Mouth lists as a promotional tool to build awareness of what you are offering. This is a great way to build trust and use it as a powerful marketing channel.

16. Use your photos as a means of advertising. Add a #tag to your photos and add up to 3 hashtags. This will increase your business's exposure and make it easy for people to find you.

17. Use Twitter hashtags on your tweets. This will help you get more exposure for your product and help create conversation about your brand or the services you offer.

18. Use your logo in your profile picture. This will make it easier for people to recognize you and help with search engine exposure.

19. If you have a website, ensure a well-designed and responsive design. This will ensure that users can access it easily from any device.

20. Create customized ads for the platforms you use to promote your business. Using relevant images and headlines related to your products or services will help you get more interest from your followers.

21. Use the hashtag tool to create a pop-up of related hashtags. This will help you find new audiences and people who may be interested in your content, so add them to your timeline, wish them a happy birthday and try to build a relationship with them.

22. Tweet your content. As long as it's within the 140-character limit, you can use this to share links to your blog or website, other external content, and of course, sales messages.

23. Make sure you're constantly posting and retweeting relevant content so that people come and see what you have to offer the first time!

24. Post regularly throughout the day but don't post every single tweet at once. Keep them fresh!

25. Make it relevant to your business and add value. Make your content more interesting than the stuff you see all the time.

26. Be visible and engage with people who reply to your posts. This will go a long way in building up trust and will help when it comes to future deals and sales!

27. Monitor your industry's social media trends to be ahead of the game.

28. Use social media marketing to get feedback from your customers. Use this as an opportunity to get some good reviews about your business.

29. Offer a discount or special offer on social media platforms. This will encourage more people to take up your request and increase the number of new contacts you get.

30. Always seek new ways to reach out to your audience and keep them interested. Use the various channels available to you and the tools available to help your business grow. Just as with everything else in life, social media is a tool in your business toolbox. Use it wisely, and it can help you achieve tremendous returns!

31. Don't worry about being perfect. Instead, start small or keep it simple and concentrate on building a loyal following over time.

32. Don't think that you have to have the perfect profile picture. It really doesn't matter, so don't let it get in the way of what you want to achieve.

33. Don't worry about the competition. Just post what you can and be yourself!

34. Keep your social media profiles updated with relevant content and photos to keep them fresh!

35. Do the relevant research, and look at what others are doing to see what works and doesn't. This will help you understand what platform is best for your business.

36. Use Facebook's advertising tools. This includes PPC (pay-per-click), Facebook pages, and custom audiences.

37. Don't be afraid to have a short message to those who follow you. This will help you get in touch and build relationships with them quickly!

38. Don't let social media platforms be your whole business. Be careful not to bombard your followers with too much information, and make sure you're giving them a reason to come back and see what else you offer.

39. Keep your profile consistent and up to date. This will help potential customers find you quickly. Make sure the profile covers everything relevant - About Us, Services, Contact us, etc…

40. Create a Facebook Page for your business. Use this as a landing page for when people are searching for you, and it will be easy for them to find you.

41. Look at the stats at the end of the day. This will help you see which posts got more engagement and what didn't get much response.

42. Keep your posts short and simple. If they're too long, they won't get read - make sure your timeline is full of exciting content!

43. Keep your posts attractive and appealing, don't use too many sales messages, and only post when you have something to say (don't just post because you feel like it).

44. Use the "Top" or "New" tabs to see what other people are talking about and comment on them. This will help increase your reach and engagement. This is a great way to get more followers on your timeline too!

45. Add images or graphics to your posts and use them when creating new content. This will help you stand out from your competitors.

46. Keep track of the words used in your posts and use them again when creating new content. This is a great way to target keywords and phrases that will help you get more attention!

47. Users don't like spam, so avoid it at all costs if it's not relevant!

48. Be consistent. Post a couple of times a day or as often as possible. Do not post every single tweet at once, and ensure you're posting regularly.

49. Get involved with your audience to get them more interested in you and your business. Remember, social media is all about interacting with people and building relationships, don't just post without providing any value!

50. Don't just post links. Please make sure they're relevant to your business and add value by creating more content. This will help your followers get hooked and more interested in you and your company.

51. Use social media like it's another form of advertising by creating a campaign that keeps the users coming back to see what you have to offer. Remember, social media is all about building an audience and customer base!

52. Take advantage of the different tools and opportunities available on social media platforms. This will help you get your business more involved and help you grow faster!

53. Be careful about how often you're posting and how much new content you're creating, don't overload your followers with too much information or they'll get bored and move on!

Ok, ok, I gave 3 extra ideas for social media, and I hope this post will be helpful for you, and if you follow each item, believe me, you will get noticed!

See you next week