Want More Money? Start MINDSET

Money can't buy happiness, but it can take care of many of life's pesky little problems. Still, the lack of money is often a self-inflicted wound. You see, our brains are unique and full of potential. But, unfortunately, they don't always tell us what we want or need—in other words, most people are unhappy with their financial situation because they're not really aware that it's in their power to change it. In this article, I will outline why some people succeed financially, and others don't. The truth is, it's not because some are smarter or more talented than others. Instead, the recipe for wealth comes down to a combination of knowledge and action; in other words, what you know and do with that knowledge.


When it comes to money, ignorance can be costly. The most common reason people struggle with money is that they still need to develop their money habits. To illustrate this, consider a study by psychologist and financial expert Dr. Neil Fiore. In his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," Dr. Fiore talked to wealthy people to discover what made them so successful. He asked these individuals about their most common problems and frustrations, which turned out to be: 

1) Not having enough money, and 2) Having too much debt. 

Please do the math: If a person has problems with money, then that means they don't have enough of it. This leads us to the following assumption:

The best way to get rich is to make more money and save it. But people who need more knowledge about how money makes and keeps them rich often need help with this simple idea.


Many people don't know what they want because they lack the knowledge necessary to build a big enough vision for their future. So, it's no surprise that they don't know how to get from Point A (where they are now) to Point B (where they want to be). And it all starts with a simple question: What do you want? When people don't consciously ask themselves this question, their brains cannot figure out what will make them happy. What you want determines what you do because what you do is aligned with your priorities and values. In other words, everything you do follows your goals and your preferences. This is how the brain works, but many people—whether from a lack of knowledge or their struggles with goal setting—have trouble figuring out what they want. And it's not until they start moving toward their goal that they get anywhere.

The power of knowing is more significant than we can imagine. Learning allows us to pause, stew for a moment, and choose what to do next. Understanding allows us to make a plan, not merely react to the conditions of our environment. Knowing is what gives us the ability to take control of our lives and the things we want out of life. In other words, knowing is the key to success in life.

Changing Mindset

More than anything else, wealth comes down to prioritizing and saying "yes" or "no" when you're presented with an opportunity that you know will help you move forward on your chosen path. This is how you take action.

Thanks to this knowledge, I've made a lot of money and built a great personal brand. The key is knowing your priorities and then making a plan for achieving them. By understanding who you are and what you want, you can begin taking action on that knowledge. 

Start Mindset

As I mentioned, the most challenging aspect of getting rich is taking action. If you want money and understand why then it's time to start changing your life.

One of the essential parts of stepping into your power (aside from a positive attitude) is getting rid of any negative self-talk that might be holding you back. If you have thoughts or beliefs that get in the way, work on changing them. For example, if you don't believe you can do something, it will likely not happen for you. Meanwhile, if you think you can do something, it's much easier to put in the hard work it takes to make it happen.

I have a few approaches that I recommend people use to try and get past these ideas:

If negative self-talk makes your life difficult, ask yourself why this is happening. The answer may be on the other side of your ignorance. No one said that getting rich would be easy. Getting rich takes work, and some of us must be correctly educated on achieving success in life.

Once you understand why you're stuck, take action: Either get rid of the negative self-talk entirely or replace it with something more helpful. I prefer the latter method because it's focused on making positive changes in your life from the inside out. First, think about what you want and why you want it. Then, make a plan to get it. Then, when ready, take action on that knowledge by moving toward your goals.

It's easier to succeed when you understand why you need to change because it gives you a reason to work hard and achieve your goals. 

I will see you next week!