How to organise your life before 2023 - in 3 Simple Steps

You think it's time to be organise for good! I want to save time thinking in everything I need to do. But, instead, I want to start doing it! I get it. You feel overwhelmed with everything you need to do, don't know where to start, think about every task you need to do, and overthink. Your head is entirely off the road! Am I right? Well, I had that problem too and here is what you need to do to get organised! First, you need to schedule every single day of your life and make a plan (not just one!).


The first step is - Start with just 30 minutes a day to plan your week. That's it! You don't need to make a plan for 7 days or 30 days. Just schedule your time on paper (if you prefer). You must write down everything you need to do (and can do) from Monday to Sunday. Then see if it's possible or not. It would help if you saw what can and can't be done. For example, if you think you have a lot of work at the bank but know it takes little time to deposit money, wait to do it! You will save yourself a lot of stress and time. 

The next step is to think about good time management. You need to be organised. What do I mean by that? How about not thinking about what you need to do but instead doing it and getting it done? When you have a lot of tasks for the week, you are no longer living your life but just working at it! That can be very stressful because everything is pressuring you and your mind always thinks about everything that needs to be done. It would help if you learned to live with everything that happens, prioritise and give your priority to those things that really matter. Then you'll be organised!

So, focus on what is important instead of wasting time thinking about what you want to do in the week and getting stressed when you can't do it all. Then start with things that are immediate and practical in doing them. For example, instead of thinking, I need to buy another pair of shoes (something you feel you need to have in your wardrobe), go to the shops and buy them! Because what will be important in a week? Do you have money for food or not? Will you be able to eat next week? Don't think so much about things that can wait! So, going back to your tasks.

Don't think about the things that can wait. Just get off your chair and take action!

When you feel very stressed, and you don't want to do anything, stop! Take a break, go to buy your pair of shoes. Just do something that will make you happy. It will help you be a little bit more organised too! And if you know how to manage your time correctly, you will be more productive at work/school during the day. So, if you need to be organised, plan, schedule your time, and take action! Your life will get better!

This part is more of a personal account. Sometimes I'm in a very messy state and don't want to deal with it anymore. I don't feel like cleaning my room (or bathroom or anything for that matter), so I do something about it. I take it one step at a time. I start by making my bed, brushing my teeth, and then I get to work. I know that the task is too big, but if I break it into small pieces and make myself do them, sooner or later, I'll be done with the whole thing. It's hard to find motivation in some things at first, but once you start, you feel much better.

Life is generally hectic, and we all want to do everything as fast as possible without any errors or mistakes. In the past, I had a hard time being organised and needed to be more organised concerning creating my projects. I always said to myself, "I'd like life to be faster and easier," but it never was. It always took me more time than I thought it would take to finish something.

I hope this article was helpful for you and to say that you're not alone.

See you next week!